Scientists of the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev about the peculiarities of harvesting crops and the main elements of soil preparation in the soil and climatic zones of Akmola region in 2022

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In the recommendations, the scientists of the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev consider the projected yield of grain, grain-fodder, leguminous, oilseed and cereal crops for the main soil and climatic zones of the Akmola region in 2022; the formation of the crop and the dynamics of ripening of crops in the prevailing meteorological conditions of 2022; methods and timing of mowing grain, grain-fodder, leguminous, oilseeds and cereals, preparations and agrotechnical methods of drying; features of harvesting and testing of seed crops, the main requirements for obtaining high-quality seeds of varieties when harvesting seed crops, storage and improvement of seed quality, the main elements of the precision farming system when harvesting crops. At the same time, recommendations are also given to improve the water, air and food regimes of the soil after harvesting crops. The recommendations are intended for farmers, managers and specialists of agricultural formations of the Akmola region.

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