Scientists of A.I. Barayev SPCGF have developed recommendations for harvesting agricultural crops and autumn field work in the farms of the Akmola region for 2021


Annually, scientists of the A.I. Barayev SPCGF, taking into account the prevailing meteorological conditions in order to minimize possible risks, recommendations are being developed for harvesting agricultural crops and autumn field work on the farms of the Akmola region. They consider the features of the formation of agricultural crops and the state of crops before harvesting in the conditions of 2021. The timing and methods of harvesting cereals, legumes, cereals and oilseeds are recommended, depending on ripening, height and density of the stem, weediness. Measures for autumn tillage taking into account weather conditions are proposed. The recommendations are intended for farmers, managers and specialists of agricultural formations in the region.
    Taking into account the current epidemiological situation in the country and the region in the current year 2021, recommendations for carrying out autumn-field work for the farms of the Akmola region are published on the official website of the A.I.Barayev ( In addition, video materials in electronic format with speeches by agricultural scientists about the specifics of the autumn field work were provided to all district agricultural departments of the region. At the same time, within the framework of the knowledge dissemination program, the Center has launchedfor farmers an advisory section "FARMER" on the website, where any farmer can contact on questions of interest and receive competent advice from scientists.
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