The priority is the development of science and the application of achievements in the agricultural sector

  During a working trip to Akmola region, Prime Minister Bektenov Olzhas Abayevich met with farmers of the region. The Head of Government got acquainted with the progress of the sowing campaign of «Zhuravlevka–1» LLP, where the seeds of the sowing complex were currently being refueled, as well as work on sowing oilseeds. The partnership is one of the leading agro-formations of Bulandynsky district. The farm is fully provided with seeds and fuel. The area of spring sowing this year will be 88,771 hectares. The emphasis is on sunflower: almost 16 thousand hectares have been allocated for cultivation, of which about 4 thousand have been sown. In addition, oats, peas, flax and rapeseed will be grown in the fields this year. In general, the sowing campaign has started in the region: 510 thousand hectares have already been sown.
  The Head of the Government was presented with varieties of oilseeds, legumes, and fodder crops of the Scientific and Production Center of Grain Farming named after A. I. Barayev. Here is also the Chairman of the Board of «SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev» LLP Savin Timur Vladimirovichpresented a report on the main directions and results of scientific research of the Center, in which it was noted that its main purpose is to ensure accelerated scientific and technological development of the economy of the agro-industrial complex of Kazakhstan through the diversification of crop production, the creation of high-quality and competitive varieties, the development and implementation of resource-saving agricultural technologies and the provision of scientific and educational services.

  The main areas of scientific research are to increase the sustainability of crop cultivation, including the preservation and replenishment of the gene pool of crops, practical breeding of 19 types of crops, adaptation and development of new agricultural technologies, services are provided to determine the quality of grain, feed, oilseeds, and to assess agrochemical indicators of soil quality.

  The breeding of agricultural crops in the Center is aimed at creating new varieties with a multi-purpose character, oriented to the domestic market. Work has been intensified on the creation of precocious, drought-resistant, high-yielding varieties of all grain crops.

  There has been created and entered into the state register of Kazakhstan 105 varieties, including 35 varieties of spring soft wheat; 15 varieties of grain crops, 14 varieties of cereals, 7 varieties of oilseeds and 27 varieties of perennial grasses in the Center.

  In the general structure of spring wheat crops in Akmola region, the share of breeding varieties of the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev has increased since 2018 and by 2023 is 67%, in North Kazakhstan-23%, Kostanay -9%, Karaganda-14%.

  Such varieties of spring soft wheat as Shortandinskaya 95 improved and Astana are sown on an area of more than 1 million hectares.

  At this time, the production of original seeds is carried out in 18 crops, 50 varieties. Demonstration experiments and production tests are being laid directly on farms, and the connection between science and production has become closer. The center annually organizes knowledge dissemination events for farmers, which are attended by more than 300 participants, this year 20 seminars, webinars, and Field Days are planned. The center provides consultations to farmers, online and with visits to the fields of partner farms, provides scientific advice and support for crop production, mainly the cultivation of varieties of agricultural crops of SPC GF breeding.

  The work results were approved, their practical significance was confirmed by the heads of the leading agricultural enterprises of the region participating in the event. Prime Minister O. Bektenov emphasized the need for the development of science and the application of achievements in the agricultural sector.

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