The goal is to increase the anti-corruption culture

News / Anti-corruption measures

  Within the framework of the state social order of the Department of Internal Policy of the Shortandinsky district, representatives of the NGO «Healthy Society-2050» held an event with employees of «SPC GF named after A.I.Barayev» LLP aimed at improving the anti-corruption culture. During the event, the speakers outlined the conceptual issues of the corruption legislation of the republic, in particular, the basic principles of the Anti-Corruption Service were disclosed, such as legality, priority of law, freedom and legitimate interests of citizens, transparency and transparency, interaction between the state and civil society, the inevitability of punishment for corruption offenses committed. The participants were also given explanations on the Anti-Corruption Volunteers project and questionnaires were distributed to fill out and join the ranks of Anti-Corruption Service volunteers to anyone who wishes to take an active part in the field of prevention and fighting against corruption.

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