Buryakov Alexander Semenovich

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Buryakov Alexander Semenovich was born on October 18, 1936 in the grain farm "Industrialnyi” of the Saratov region in the family of machine and tractor station employee.
Under the leadership of Alexander Semenovich in collaboration with scientific engineering organizations All-Russian Research Institution, All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Agricultural Engineering, All-Russian research and engineering institute of mechanization and electrification of agriculture, Siberian Research Institute of Agriculture, Kazakh Research Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture, Tselinnyi research institute of agricultural equipment and machinery, “Head Specialized Design Bureau for Anti-Erosion Engineering” (Tselinograd city), the main anti-erosion machines for soil-protecting agriculture were developed: ПГ-3, ПГ-3-5, КПШ-9, ОПТ-3-5; БИГ-3, БМШ-15, БМШ-20. Research works were conducted on the justification and development of working institutions for the introduction of mineral fertilizers and herbicides into the soil, the creation of wide-spread tools for working with energy-saturated tractors K-701, K-710.  These developments were of great practical importance and were successfully introduced into the agricultural production of the steppe regions from the Don steppes, the Southern Ural, Kazakhstan, Western Siberia to Mongolia.
The government and state highly appreciated the scientific and industrial achievements of A.S.Buryakov, having awarded the State Prize in 1980 and awarded the Order of Honor in 1984, the medal For Labor Valor, three bronze medals of the Exhibition of Achievements of National economy of the USSR, and the Sign for Drummer 9th  five-year plan ”, the jubilee medal of the 50th anniversary of the New lands, Commemorative medal “Academician A.I.  Barayev, 100 years since the birth".  A.S. Buryakov the author of more than one hundred scientific works and made over forty inventions.скачать dle 12.0
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