On the multi-year site of the crop rotation group of A.I.Barayev SPCGF the grain and leguminous crops were harvested

On September 16-17, on the multi-year site of the crop rotation group of A.I.Barayev SPCGF the grain and leguminous crops were harvested. Harvesting was carried out by direct combining, upon reaching full ripeness of the culture with a preliminary determination of the moisture content of pure grain.

For operational humidity control, a “Wile -55”moisture meter is used. Before laying, the grain is thoroughly mixed and an average sample of a small volume is taken, which is placed in the measuring cylinder of the hygrometer. Within 5 seconds, the moisture content in the grain is displayed as a percentage on the electronic display. At the time of harvesting, pea humidity ranged from 10.0 to 15.4%. The obtained data are entered in the laboratory journal.

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