Scientists of the Center held an open lesson in their fields for schoolchildren

 Today, for schoolchildren of 5-6 grades of the secondary school N1 at the "Scientific" settlement, the first open lesson in the new school year was held in an unusual format.
Zhylkybayeva Meruert Serikbaevna, a teacher at secondary school N 1, held a geography lesson at the experimental site of the A.I. Barayev Scientific-production center for grain farming.
The purpose of the open lesson was the integration of theoretical knowledge acquired by schoolchildren in accordance with the subject of the curriculum with their research work. It was also important to arouse the interest of the younger generation in science and love for their native land.
The scientists and the head of laboratory for firm wheat at the research-production center, Ruslan Sagynayevich and the laboratory employee Tatyana Zhigula told the schoolchildren about grain farming, noted its significance and industry features.
In the lesson, the students looked at the wheat crop, examined the ears of corn, soil, listened to interesting lectures of specialists. In turn, children asked their questions to scientists and received comprehensive answers.
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