Vegetation conditions of 2023

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The current year 2023 was characterized by a severe atmospheric drought. A characteristic feature of the growing season of the current year in Shortandy district is the formation of grain crops in conditions of high air temperatures and the absence of productive precipitation.
In general, the crops were sown under conditions of elevated temperature (15.3 ° C) and minimal soil moisture. In total, 2.5 mm of precipitation fell in May, which is 29.9 mm below the long-term average. The air temperature, at the same time, was higher than the long-term average by 2.8 ℃. The hydrothermal index of May was 0.0.
In June, there was also an extremely low amount of precipitation (13.2 mm, the average annual value is 39.5 mm), with a high temperature regime (20.0 ℃), HTI = 0.1.
In July, the total precipitation was 6.8 mm, which is 50.2 mm lower than the average annual values. So in the first and third decade precipitation was completely absent, in the second only 6.8 mm fell. According to the temperature regime, the month of July also exceeded the long-term indicators by 4.5 ℃. HTI= 0.0
A shortage of precipitation was also observed in the month of August. Thus, the total amount of precipitation in August was below the long-term average values by 27.1 mm. But at the end of the 3rd decade of August (24.08), precipitation fell in the form of heavy rain and hail, accompanied by strong wind, which negatively affected the already ripe harvest. At the same time, the air temperature was above the average values by 1.6 ℃.
The vegetation conditions of agricultural crops in 2023 were tough. High air temperatures (exceeding the norm was 2.6℃) and the absence of precipitation (133.5 mm below the average long-term values) during the growing season of plants, in general, adversely affected the productivity of samples.
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