On the eve of March 8, the Center for Creative Development of KATU named after S.Seifullin arranged a real celebration of spring and love in the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev

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On the eve of the International Women’s Day, on March 8, a special event was organized at the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev, which began with a congratulatory speech by Chairman of the Board of Directors Nurlan Serekpayev. Addressing his female colleagues, he noted the important role and place of each of them in the huge achievements of the Center. Of the total number of employees, women make up more than 45%, more than 22% are women with academic degrees. Expressing great gratitude to colleagues for their difficult fruitful work, the head of the Center stressed that they all perform their work with due responsibility, each of them can be proud, because in addition to representing scientists, management and production personnel, they primarily remain the keepers of the hearths, are engaged in the upbringing of children and take care of parents. In any role, they remain in demand. The women-anniversaries were not left without attention; they were awarded letters of thanks and Certificates of Honor of the NASEC. Then, as it should be according to the festive scenario, a video appeal from the men of the Center followed, in which they also warmly expressed their congratulations, kindly received with understanding by the heroes of the occasion.

From the very beginning of the event to the end, it was necessary to see what a real celebration of spring and tenderness in the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev was arranged by representatives of the Creative Development Center of KATU named after S.Seifullin. The skillfully selected repertoire of songs from different periods presented by young talents all spoke for itself; the applause in the hall literally did not subside. Such a heartfelt gentle melody performed by the laureates of city and republican contests fascinated all the spectators, various humor and jokes contests were held during breaks, prizes were distributed.

This entire festive creative atmosphere was skillfully created by the creative youth of the Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after Saken Seifullin, with whom the employees of the Center have been developing good creative relationships for the second year. As they say, the song helps us to live and build, and music also connects us.

Happy International Women’s Day on March 8th

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