Breeding and seed production in Northern Kazakhstan

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On March 4, 2022, a seminar on the topic “Topical issues of breeding and seed production in Northern Kazakhstan” was held at the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev. At the seminar, the Center’s breeders discussed with representatives of elite seed and seed farms the problems of providing agricultural producers with high-quality seeds. Nurlan Amangeldinovich Serekpayev, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev, made a report on the topic “Problems and ways of breeding and seed production development in Northern Kazakhstan”. The head of the Wheat breeding Department Babkenov Adylkhan Temirkhanovich presented new promising varieties of spring soft and durum wheat, the SPC GF breeding, adapted to the conditions of climate change. New varieties of barley and oats, including naked forms for a balanced diet, new varieties of cereals were presented in his speech by Vladimir Ivanovich Kobernitsky, head of the laboratory of cereals and grain crops. Irina Petrovna Oshergina, Head of the Department of legumes and oilseeds breeding, told about new varieties of peas, lentils, rapeseed, sunflower adapted to the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan. Gulden Amangeldinovna Kipshakbayeva, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor of KATU named after S.Seifullin, spoke on the topic “The state of seed production of grain crops, problems, solutions and prospects, on the example of the Akmola region”.

The seminar was attended by Litovchenko Valery Aleksandrvich, a representative of the Department of Agriculture of the Akmola region. In his speech, he paid attention to the development of seed production in the region, the conditions and rules for subsidizing the purchase of seeds. The problems of seed quality assessment were addressed by the representatives of “KazAgrEks” JSC of Akmola region, the heads of territorial laboratories Baymysheva Natalia Aleksandrovna, Panayan Maria Vladimirovna were present.

Topical issues of seed production were discussed. Managers and representatives of seed production entities showed interest in new innovative varieties, scientific support and long-term cooperation with the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev for the introduction of domestic varieties of agricultural crops into production.

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