The scientists of the SPC GF named after A.I.Barayev met with the Chairman of the Board of NEVASCO Rob Beck (Netherlands)

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On March 10, 2022, at the initiative of the Netherlands Space Agency and the NEVASCO Group of Companies (the Netherlands), a meeting was held between a representative of this group represented by Rob Beck, Chairman of the NEVASCO Management Board, and a group of scientists from the Scientific and Production Center of Grain Farming named after A.I. Barayev.

At the meeting, Deputy Chairman of the Board of NEVASCO Rob Beck presented a brief presentation from the NEVASCO Group of companies, reflecting the main activities of Dutch companies working in the field of geoinformation systems and remote sensing of the Earth, including in the field of agriculture.

On the part of the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev, head of the laboratory of Precision Farming Skoblikov V.F. also provided brief information on the areas of work and the results achieved in the field of precision farming.

The participants of the meeting asked each other numerous questions about the problems that interested them, exchanged views on acute issues of precision farming and ways to solve them.

As a result of the meeting, the interests of possible mutually beneficial cooperation were outlined.

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