“SEIFULLIN READINGS - 18: Youth and Science - a look into the future”

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Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan NCJSC “S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University”010000, Nur-Sultan, Zhenis avenue, 62

+7 (7172), 310-245, 395-548


NCJSC “S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University” (hereinafter - KATU) invites you to take part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference “SEIFULLIN READINGS - 18: Youth and Science - a look into the future”, which will be held on April 12, 2022 ( the conference provides full-time/distance participation in online and offlineformat).

By tradition, the conference serves as a recognized dialogue platform for reviewing the work of students, undergraduates, doctoral students and young scientists.

Participation in the conference is an excellent opportunity to highlight your scientific work, promotes a constructive exchange of views on priorityareas of scientific research, the development of innovations, intellectual skills, and the popularization of science among young people.

Students, undergraduates, doctoral studentsand young scientists are invited to participate in the conference.

Materials will be accepteduntil April 8, 2022.

The form of the conference is full-time/part-time in online and offline format.

The purpose of the conference is the publication of scientific results of students and young scientists on topical issues of modern science, the exchange of ideas and research experience. Development of creative activity of students, undergraduates, doctoral students and young scientists, involving them in solving urgent problems.

Conference workinglanguages: Kazakh, Russian, English.

The materials of the reports will be posted in an electronic collection on the website of KATU in the section“Science” tab “Collections of scientific conferences” at (kazatu.edu.kz/pages/nauka/novosti- nauki_20220121052309/sborniki-naucnyh-konferencij) with international ISBN code.

The main directions of the conference (responsible for the work of the sectionsare presented in Appendix 1):

  1. Topical issues of improving farmingsystems, plant protection and agro-ecological potential of soils;
  2. Gene pool and selection of agricultural crops;
  3. Digital transformation of the agro-industrial complex:technical equipment in the contextof robotization, digitalization and smart agriculture;
  4. Modern digital solutions and quality management in the food and processing industry: current aspectsof health and healthy nutrition, including children and schoolchildren;
  5. Current aspects of science and practice in veterinary medicine;
  6. Promising directions for the development of scientific researchin the field of agricultural biotechnology and animal husbandry;
  7. Scientific research of young scientists in the field ofsocial sciences and humanities;
  8. Information technologies for the digital transformation of science, education and industry;
  9. Modern problems ofeducation and naturaland mathematical sciences;
  10. Modern technologies and innovations in the field of geodesy,cadaster, rational land and naturemanagement, architecture and design;
  11. Management of the businessenvironment and the financial system in conditions of unstable economicrelations;
  12. Modern energy and automation, problems and development prospects;
  13. The role of telecommunication systemsin the modern world;
  14. Climate change and its impact on natural systemsand the environment.

Abstracts and applications for participation according to Appendices 2, 3 must be submitted to the e-mail addresses of the section secretaries (e-mail and contact information are indicated in Appendix 1). Participants must specify the format of participation in the conference in their applications.

The Department of Science is the coordinator of the conference. Following the results of the conference, the organizing committees provide final abstracts for publication in the collection. Phone inquiries: +7 (7172) 395-548,310-245.

Requirements for admission and registration of abstracts:

  • UDC;

abstracts that have not been published anywhere before are accepted for publication, no more than one abstract from one author; it is forbidden to indicate supervisors as co-authors;

a list of used literature is required, including at least one source included in the Web of Science information base (Thomson Reuterspublishing house);

the volume of the thesis, including the list of references, should not exceed 4 (full) pages of A4 format (portrait orientation), typed in the MS WORD (2003,2007) editor in Times New Roman, KZ Times New Roman (12pt), spacing - single, margins: top - 2 cm, bottom - 2 cm, left - 3 cm, right - 1.5 cm, aligned to the line width and mandatorysetting of automatichyphenation;

on the first line in the center - the title of the thesis of the report in capital letters in bold, 1 interval later, on the right edge - the initials and surname of the author, position and academic degree (in italics), 1 interval later - the city and name of the organization or educational institution (in italics), the main text starts in 2 intervals with a red line;

the list of references is placed at the end of the text and compiled in the order of mentioning the sources, references in the text are in square brackets.

The organizing committee reserves the right to reject abstracts that do not comply with the specified requirements and do not correspond to the topics of the conference.

To cover organizational and publishing costs, the registration fee is:

  1. for young scientists, doctoral students, undergraduates of S. SeifullinKATU and subsidiaries of KATU

- 1,000 tenge (one thousand tenge);

  1. for young scientists, doctoralstudents, undergraduates, studentsfrom other organizations - 2,000 tenge (two thousandtenge).

The contribution is made by transfer to the settlement account of S.Seifullin KATU with the note «На конференцию «Сейфуллинские чтения-18» (meaning - “To the conference “Seifullin Readings-18”) according to the followingdetails:

NCJSC “S.Seifullin KazakhAgrotechnical University”, Nur-Sultan, Zhenis Ave., 62

BIN: 070 740 004 377

kbe: 16

Bank: JSC Halyk Bank of KazakhstanIIC: KZ446010111000037373


Or through Caspi Bank

  1. Name of the university: Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after Saken Seifullin;
  2. IIN of the student (teaching) - IIN of the participant;
  3. IIN of the payer - indicate the full name of the participant;
  4. Faculty - indicate the name of the section; 5 course;

6. BIN 070740004377

7. Account KZ446010111000037373

Appendix 1

Directions of the conference and responsible for the work of the sections:

Section name:
Section ChairmanContacts of the ChairmanSection Secretary
Contacts of
the SectionSecretary
Section 1: Topical issuesof improving farming systems, plant protection and agro-ecological potential of soilsSarmanova Roza Sapargalievna
7 777 536 04 04,
e-mail.: roz79@mail.ru
Tleulina Zarina Tasbulatovna
8 705 781 45
01, e-mail.: zarina_2707@ mail.ru
Akmola region, Shortandinsky district, Shortandy-1 village, Baraeva

st., 15, “A.I.

Baraev Research

and Production

Center for Grain

Farming” LLP
Section 2: Gene poolDolinny Yuri7 747 430 75 32Akhylbekova8702 681 09Akmola region,
and selection ofYurieviche-mail.:Balzhan45Shortandinsky
agricultural crops


ail.ruvillage, Baraeva

st., 15, “A.I.

Baraev Research

and Production

Center for Grain

Farming” LLP
Section 3: DigitalMustafin87015849850,Saden Dinara7 701 385 93Nur-Sultan,
transformationof theZhasulane-mail:Askarkyzy05, e-mail:Zhenis Ave., 62,
technical equipment inhl.ru
the context of

robotization, digitalization

and smart agriculture

Section 4: Modern digitalMakangali7 707 982 24 48,Nurlankyzy Zhibek7 705 294 71Nur-Sultan,
solutions and qualityKadyrzhane-mail:
88, e-mail:Zhenis Ave.,62,
management in the foodKonysbayulykmakangali@mail.
and processing industry:
current aspects of health

and healthy nutrition,

including children and


Section 5: CurrentAbrakhmanov8-701-356-50-73Murzakaeva8-708-221-07-Nur-Sultan,
aspects of science andTalgatE-mail:Gulmira14 E-mail:Internacionalnyi
practice in veterinaryZhunusovicht.abdrakhmanov@Kalikhanovnam.gumika@listvillage,

street, 2 B
Section 6: Promising directions for the development of scientific research in the field of
agricultural biotechnology
Borovikov SergeyNikolaevich

Omarova Karlygash
83 Е-mail:k.omarova@k azatu.kz
Nur-Sultan, Internacionalnyi village, Armandastar street, 2 B
and animal husbandry

Section 7: ScientificBismildina

7 705 420 6652

7 707 320 19
92, е-mail:Johnfkennedy @mail.ru
research of youngDinaraOrolbekZhenis Ave.,62,
scientists in the field ofDosymzhanovn
social sciences anda



Section 8: Information technologies for the digital transformation of science, education and industry.

Akanova Akerke Saparovna

8 705 448 0680,

Kaldarova Mira Zhorabekkyzy

E-mail: kmiraj82@mail
Nur-Sultan, Zhenis Ave., 62, NCJSC
“S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical
Section 9: ModernIsakova Gulnur8 775 451 8822Yesenbayeva8 778 186 99Nur-Sultan,

problems of education and naturaland
mathematical sciences



Gulbanu Rakymzhanovna

E-mail: Banuka_96.21 @mail.ru
Zhenis Ave., 62,NCJSC
“S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical
Section 10: Modern technologies and innovations in the field of geodesy, cadastre, rational land and nature management, architecture and designKarbozov TulegenErmaganbetovic h
E-mail: tolegen_1964@m ail.ru
Estaeva AigerimRakhmanovna
7 705 334 48
E-mail: yestayeva_a_ kazatu@ mail.ru
Nur-Sultan, st. Beibitshilik, 73, NCJSC
“S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University”

Section 11: Managing the business environment and the financial system in conditions of unstable
economic relations

OmarkhanovaZhibek Maksutovna

702 960 2121

Kurmanova Dana Sultankhanovna

7 701 168 79
84 E- mail:dana14.8
Nur-Sultan, Zhenis Ave., 62, NCJSC
“S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical
Section 12: Modern energy and automation, problems and development prospects

Baubekov Kuat Talgatovich

87 747 618 15 63
E-mail: baubekov52@mail

Anuarbekov MaksatArganatovich

E-mail: ma- 0795@mail.ru,Сот. 7 776
123 87 76

Nur-Sultan, Zhenis Ave., 62, NCJSC
“S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical
Section 13: The role of telecommunication systemsin the modern worldTolegenova Arai Sarsenkalievna
Nazhken Aidana Yesimkyzy
Nur-Sultan, Zhenis Ave., 62, NCJSC
“S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical
Section 14: Climate change and its impact on natural systems and the environmentBoranbay Zhumaғul Tanatkanuly
Olzhaeva Aigerim Bekkazievna
Nur-Sultan, Zhenis Ave., 62 a, NCJSC
“S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University”
Total sections 14

Appendix 2


for participation in the International Scientific and Theoretical Conference "SEIFULLIN


Middle name
2Academic degree,title
4Contact details:
Phone+7 7…..
5Section name
6Full nameof the report
7Receipt of payment (attach)
Participation format(online
oroffline/face-to-face/ distance)

Date of completion

Appendix 3

An example of a thesis



Akhmetov M., 1st year studentNCJSC “S.Seifullin KazakhAgrotechnical University”, Nur-Sultan




List of used literature

(The list of literature is drawn up in accordance with GOST 7.1-2003"Bibliographic record.

Bibliographic description. General requirements and compilation rules")

For instance

1Petushkova G.I. Costume design[Text]: textbook. for universities / G.I. Petushkov. - M.: Academy,2004. - 416 p.

2Borisova N.V. Mythopoetics of unity in the philosophical prose of M. Prishvin [Text]: textbook. - method, manual /N.V. Borisov. - Yelets: Publishing house of the Yelets state. un-ta, 2004. - 227 p.

3Krasnova T.V. Old Russiantoponymy of the Yelets land [Text]: monograph. - Yelets: Publishing house of the Yelets state. un-ta, 2004. - 157)

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