Attention, fair!
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The main stage will unfold on the central square in front of the Akimat of Shortandy district. A festive concert, an exhibition – demonstration of traditions, customs, culture, serving national dishes of various ethnic groups and holding sports games among the athletes of the district are planned there.
On the same day, the Local Trade Union of KATU named after S.Seifullin will organize a traditional food fair for employees of the SPC Gf named after A.I.Barayev, at which apples and natural apple juice will be sold. According to the chairman of the Local Trade Union Serik Aitkhozhin, Golden apples will be sold at a price of 450 tenge per 1 kilogram. The cost of 1 box weighing 14 kg will be 6300 tenge. Loved by many, 100% natural apple juice in soft packaging from the company Dala Fruit, fair visitors will be able to purchase 1,900 tenge for 3 liters. Despite the widespread increase in prices, the Local Trade Union still finds an opportunity to sell high-quality products at below-market prices.
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