SPCGF was visited by akim of Shortandy district G.Kasenov

On October 28, Kassenov Gaidar Gabdullayevich, akim of Shortandy district visited the Scientific-production center for grain farming named after A.I.Barayev.
 G.Kassenov met with the management team and scientists of the Center. They presented akim the activities of the enterprise and told about scientific and practical results. G.Kassenov noted the positive development of the SPCGF and its importance for the Shortandy district. During the akim's visit, scientists have demonstrated the work of laboratories and modern equipment which used for research. Akim was impressed by the Project Management Center which has no analogues in the CIS. Using this PMC specialists monitor the work of agricultural equipment, the state of crop field and implement the map of production. On the basis of these data creates prescription map for introduction of fertilizers.
G.Kassenov also was demonstrated historical museum of SPCGF and renovated sports hall, where he suggested monthly conduct sport games with SPCGF team and akimat's team. G.Kassenov thanked SPCGF staff for implementing productive work and wished further success.
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