AgroParisTech group of undergraduates (France) visited the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev

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AgroParisTech group of undergraduates (France) visited the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev, who from May 11 to May 30 of this year were in our country within the framework of a memorandum on mutual cooperation in educational terms between the Kazakh and French scientific community in order to study and exchange experience in the field of agroforestry in Kazakhstan.

In the past 2021, a new faculty of Forestry, Wildlife and Environment was opened at the capital university, KATU named after S.Seifullin, which today is one of the leading faculties in Central and Northern Kazakhstan in its profile. In accordance with the program of stay, French undergraduates were sent to our Center in order to study the impact of forest plantations on agricultural crops. Upon arrival, they were familiarized with the priority areas of scientific and production activities of the SPC GF, which were announced at the beginning of the meeting by Deputy Chairman of the Board for Science Utebayev Maral Uralovich. Then the format of informal communication between colleagues was transferred directly to the cultivated areas, where spring field work took place in an intensive working mode, and an active exchange of scientific information continued there. The guests shared that in the agricultural sector of France, despite the lack of subsidies in the form of subsidies as in our country, farmers are more focused on cooperation with science in the implementation plan with the understanding that this will work for higher yields and high labor productivity. As the young scientists also explained, their effectiveness on the topic of dissertation research directly depends on how much they contain data on designated studies in other countries and comparative typologies of their country policy on this issue.

The leading scientist in the field of agriculture Akshalov Kanat demonstrated by concrete examples the level of scientific research carried out by the team of scientists of the Center, taking into account international experience in the framework of a long-term fruitful collaboration with colleagues from different countries. During the discussion of the designated topic, the format of the dialogue platform was verified very constructively, since the conversation was synchronized from French to English and this could not affect its effectiveness.

During a visit to the analytical laboratories of the Center for Assessing the Quality of Soil and Crop Production, the French colleagues were particularly attracted by the availability of a sufficient number of modern equipment purchased in manufacturing countries such as Sweden, Austria, Holland, Russia, the Netherlands and Germany and a sufficiently high level of research conducted by researchers on parameters corresponding to international quality standards. After talking with the employees of these laboratories, they expressed great satisfaction with the amount of work that our employees are doing, which, in their opinion, should have a positive effect on the soil background of the studied regions and, ultimately, on the health of its inhabitants. As Maral Uralovich explained to them, the analytical center is accredited according to GOST ISO/IEC 17025-2019 “General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories”, constantly extends its accreditation and expands its scope.Analytical work is carried out by specialists who have been trained and have work experience within their competence. They also constantly improve their qualifications by taking part in scientific conferences, studying at graduate school, have academic degrees and scientific publications.

During the visit to the historical museum of the Center, they got acquainted with its exhibits with great satisfaction, showing a keen interest in the life and work of famous scientists who devoted themselves to agricultural science. At the end of the meeting, the young French scientists noted that they had a very good impression of the scientific component of the activities of the Kazakh Center for Grain Farming, at the same time they were struck not only by the large amount of modern equipment in scientific laboratories, but also by the availability of sufficient equipment of the latest generation, working very efficiently in the fields of the Center. They also expressed confidence that cooperation will develop, as there is mutual interest.

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