Scientists of the Center of grain farming in the fields of the Karaganda region

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The scientific staff of the Department of breeding of perennial herbs of the Grain Farming Center named after A.I. Barayevheld events within the established deadline within the framework of the agreement with “Alderan 2” LLP of the Karaganda region, Nurinsky district, Akmeshit settlement. According to the contract, consulting services were provided for the cultivation of perennial herbs for seed purposes - the Psathyrostachys juncea variety Shortandinsky of the “SPC GF named after A. I. Barayev” LLP breeding in the agroecological conditions of this farm.

The scientists of the Center gave recommendations on the selection of seeders for sowing seeds (NP1 and NP-2) of the above-mentioned variety and installed the seeder at the seeding rate and depth, the width of the row spacing for sowing seeds of the Psathyrostachys juncea Shortandinsky variety. In the course of fulfilling the contract, pre-sowing tillage and sowing of seeds of the Psathyrostachys juncea were carried out.

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