Field Day at the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev

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On July 29, 2022, a traditional Field Day was held in the Nauchny settlement, Akmola region on the basis of the Scientific and Production Center named after A.I. Barayev on the topic: “Promising, drought-resistant, highly productive varieties of agricultural crops and innovative agrotechnologies among the subjects of the agro-industrial complex”. The main purpose of this important agricultural event of this year is to demonstrate new varieties of adapted and tested cereals, legumes, oilseeds, cereals and fodder crops of the SPC GF breeding and to compare other varieties of domestic and foreign scientific organizations, new advanced technologies for cultivating crops, modern digital equipment and software, an exhibition and demonstration of modern technology, products of suppliers of modern agricultural technologies for agricultural producers and an explanation of the need to rethink the possibilities of using the digital economy in the agricultural sector to solve many pressing issues of food security in the realities of the current period. The event was attended by the agrarian community of the Target region. The organizers of this demonstration site were the SPC GF named after A.I.Barayev, KATU named after S.Seifullin and Syngenta Kazakhstan.

In the welcoming speech of the Deputy Chairman of the Board for Scientific and Innovative Activities of the “KATU named after S.Seifullin” NJSC I.T. Tokmagambetov, the importance of holding the Field Day in a large Center of the grain economy of the republic was noted as the most important component of the scientific base for the promotion of all innovative scientific and production ideas that abound here from the moment of its creation to the present. Further, at the plenary session, this was confirmed by the speakers, the leading scientists of the Center in their presentation reports on the designated topics of modern agriculture, clearly and argumentatively commenting on their speeches by showing their actual scientific research, which caused a wide exchange of views between the participants and kind parting words to the upcoming harvesting campaigns.Then this creatively conditioned working atmosphere continued in backstage conversations during breaks and during visits to the exhibition of achievements of research institutes, universities of the “NASEC” NJSC, suppliers-partners of the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev and viewing the exhibition materials of the Center itself.

Despite the fact that the weather on this day made certain adjustments, there were more than enough people willing to take part in the Field Day from among agricultural scientists, farmers, representatives of domestic and representative offices of foreign agricultural companies. Undoubtedly, this genuine interest was caused by the fact that it is in the well-known Center, which has a huge scientific potential and a lot of partnerships with the broad agricultural community of the near and far abroad, that you can learn new popular ideas and establish the necessary communications.

Press service of the SPC GF named after A.I.Barayev

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