Ways of integration into world science

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On August 23, a scientific seminar for employees of laboratories and departments on the topical subject “How to write a scientific article” was held at the training center of the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev. The speaker at the seminar was Shavrukov Yuri Nikolayevich, a leading scientist at Flinders University, South Australia. He is not only the author of numerous scientific articles cited in Russian and English, but also a member of the editorial board of highly rated scientific publications. At this moment, Shavrukov Yu.N. is on a scientific trip to Kazakhstan, and one of the research centers that interested him as a scientist in the field of genetics and biotechnology was our Center. In his opinion, the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev in the future should become a place where breeding research will be conducted using modern achievements in the field of molecular biology, genetics and biotechnology.

It is worth noting that, Shavrukov Yu. is a foreign partner in the grant financing project approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2022-2024. The scientific project is aimed at the breeding improvement of the Center’s legume breeding crops with the use of modern DNA markers.

As part of the training seminar, Yuri Nikolayevich drew attention to the importance of improving the style of presentation to improve the quality of scientific articles, demonstrating by illustrative examples; he also clearly outlined the algorithm and structure of the scientific publication.

Such scientific contacts should serve to further fruitful scientific cooperation between our Center and Flinders University.

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