Chinese scientists visited the Center of Grain farming

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  The delegation of the Northwestern University of Agriculture and Forestry of China visited the Scientific and Production Center of Grain Farming named after A.I. Barayev. Before that, an official meeting of the Chinese delegation with the leadership of Seifullin University took place, the purpose of which was to resume work after the pandemic within the framework of a memorandum between the two universities.

 The delegation included the Deputy Director of the International Department of NWA&F University Zou Yufeng, Professor of the Faculty of Agronomy of NWA&F University Zhang Zhengmao, Professor Hu Yinggang, Dean of the Faculty of Agronomy of NWA&F University Shang Weixin, Dean of the Faculty of Soils and Water Conservation of NWA&F University, Professor Feng Hao and Dean of the Faculty of Food Sciences and Engineering of NWA&F University, Professor Lu Xin.

  It is should be noted that since the spring of 2016, partnerships have been established between Seifullin University and Northwestern Agricultural and Forestry University.

Within the contract, joint research is planned on the use of innovations used in China in Kazakhstan, the exchange of knowledge of specialists and students, biotechnology, ecology, agricultural sciences and the development of new varieties of agricultural crops.

  In our Center, foreign scientists showed interest in the organization of breeding work, the state of the soil and its features and the course of agrotechnical measures before spring field work. They visited the museum and exhibition of breeding achievements of the Center’s scientists.

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