A young employee of the SPC GF, Poghosyan Araik is an arm wrestling champion of the region

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  Last Saturday, the Akmola regional sports contest “Kulager 2023” in arm wrestling (weight category 110 + kg) was held in Stepnogorsk, in which Poghosyan Araik took part from Shortandy district along with other athletes. According to the results of the competition, Araik took the 1st prize. Since school, he has been fond of this interesting men’s sport, during his student years he was more than once the winner of not only regional, but also republican competitions in this sport.

  A. Poghosyan is a researcher at the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev, where he was hired after completing his studies at the Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University named after S. Seifullin.

  Colleagues congratulate you on a great victory, wish that sport will continue to be a priority incentive in your life and new creative successes and discoveries in science.

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