A staff conference was held on the progress of the implementation of the STP (BR10865093)

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  A staff conference was held at the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev, where the issues were discussed on the implementation of measures within the implementation of the STP (BR10865093) «Development and scientific justification of technical and technological parameters for adapting space sensing technology and precision farming to the actual production tasks of agro-industrial entities and the formation of a reference database necessary for this» with the participation of scientific employees of the department of agriculture. The head of the STP, the head of the analytical center Kunanbayev K.K. and analysis was made on the progress of achieving the indicators according to the programs and deadlines. The heads of the structural divisions of the agriculture Department were also heard about the results of research at the final stages of the Program implementation. The coordinator of the STP, Skoblikov V.F., presented the refined structure of the electronic shell of models for managing the production of crop products for farms.

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