Scientists-breeders took part in field events to popularize wheat varieties in Kostanay region

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  The head of the wheat breeding department Babkenov A.T. and the head of the laboratory of spring durum wheat breeding Zhylkybaev R.S. took part in the Field Day, which took place on July 29, 2023 on the basis of the «Ponomarev» farm of Kostanay region on the initiative of «ELITE TRADE KZ» LLP. The event of the Field Day was attended by the deputy head of the State Institution «Department of Agriculture of the Akimat of Kostanay region» Sagandykov S.A., head of «ELITE TRADE KZ» LLP Eisfeld E.G., Deputy Director of the FSBSI FASC «South-East» Derevyagin S.S., head of the farm «Ivanov & K» Ivanov V.V., General Director of «Agroliga CSR» LLC Dolaberidze S.D., editor of the journal «Agrarian sector» Latyshev N.N., head of the laboratory of spring wheat breeding FSBSI FASC «South-East» Beketayeva G.A. and other representatives of agribusiness in the region. The main purpose of the Field Day was to show demonstration crops of varieties of domestic and foreign breeding.

  Our scientists-breeders Babkenov A.T. and Zhylkybaev R.S. demonstrated to farmers varieties of spring soft wheat Shortandinskaya 95 improved, Shortandinskaya 2014, as well as durum wheat varieties Damsinskaya yantarnaya and Damsinskaya 20-17 breeding of «SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev» LLP, which today have generally proven themselves in the seed market. According to the agricultural producers present, the majority of elite seed farms actively cooperate with the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev, which has the status of an originator of elite seeds of agricultural crops.

  Through constant partnership and the dissemination of scientific knowledge, we can pave the way for further progress in the cultivation of crops and contribute to the prosperity of the agricultural community of the region.

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