Field Day in honor of the 85th Anniversary of the variety testing system of the Republic of Kazakhstan
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On August 11, a Field Day was held on the basis of the Yessil grain-feed state variety stage in honor of the 85th Anniversary of the variety testing system of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the theme “Variety testing is an integral link between science and production”. It was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, “NANOC” NJSC, “KATU named after S.Seifullin” NJSC, the Department of Agriculture of the North Kazakhstan Region, representatives of seed companies, as well as the official dealer of “WINTERSTEIGER AG” (Austria) in Kazakhstan “ABUS Group BM LTD”. The varieties of breeding of the SPC GF named after A.I.Barayev were represented there by breeders Babkenov A.T., head of the wheat breeding Department and Kairzhanov Ye.K., head of the laboratory of spring soft wheat breeding. During the event, the participants examined the crops of the state export site and visually noted the following wheat varieties that stood out in appearance and yield potential: Shortandinskaya 2012, Shortandinskaya 95 improved, Taimas, Damsinskaya 20-17 and varieties of non–district breeding - Alabuga, Aina, Anel-16, etc.
At the end of the Anniversary event, the head of the State Commission for Variety Testing, Azhgaliyev T.B., held an award ceremony for the best employees of the variety testing network.