Okovitaya Raisa Nikitichna

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Okovitaya Raisa Nikitichna, candidate of agricultural sciences.
Raisa Okovitaya was born on March 4, 1943 in the village of Soroka, Ilyinetsky district, Vinnytskaya region. In 1961 she worked at a varietal mill. In 1962, she began working as a laboratory specialist at the Scientific-research institute of grain farming. In 1965 she became a senior laboratory specialist in the selection laboratory. In October 1975 she was specialist of the laboratory of grain crops. In December 1984 she worked as specialist of the laboratory of inter-plant variety testing. In 1987 she defended her thesis for the degree of Candidate of agricultural sciences “Genetic fund of oats and its use for selection in the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan” (Leningrad). In March 1991, she was appointed head of the selection laboratory. In April 1999 she was transferred to the position of head of the spring wheat breeding department with the right to head the spring durum wheat breeding laboratory. In September 2001, she was assigned the duties of the head of a breeding center. In February 2002, R. Okovitaya became the head of the breeding center. In August 2002, R. Okovitaya went on a well-deserved rest. Raisa Nikitichna is the author of more than 23 articles.
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