Autumn tillage


In the current year, it is important to carry out winter treatments - flat-cut loosening, crevice or chiseling of the soil by 25-27 cm, especially in areas where autumn processing has not been carried out for 3-4 years.

Autumn flat-cutting tillage is obligatory on the fields littered with wormwood, milkweed vine.  However, on compacted soils, characterized not only by a heavy mechanical composition, but also by a different degree of solonetzicity, autumn cultivation should be carried out to a depth of 20-22 cm after a wet summer and autumn.  In fields where melt water runoff and soil washout are observed, cultivation should be carried out across the slope.

The use of deep flat-cut loosening across the slope increases the absorption of melt water by the soil, forms high reserves of productive moisture by the time of sowing, and increases the stability of grain production.  It should be borne in mind that the autumn deep flat-cut tillage better suppresses root-sprouting weeds: yellow thistle, Tatar molokan, field thistle and is the main method of reliable destruction of wormwood, and also prevents their seeding and does not allow up to 2 thousand pieces / m2 of seeds to get into the soil  weeds per year.  In addition, autumn tillage contributes to the destruction of eggs, larvae and pupae of pests remaining in crop residues, on weeds and on the soil surface, as well as to a decrease in the infectious background.

Information is presented in detail on the website of the A.I.Barayev SPCGFскачать dle 12.0
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