A.I.Barayev SPCGF employees held subbotnik in v.Nauchny


Site improvement is not a one-time campaign, according to the plan, it is planned to be carried out on apermanent basis.Moreover, with the onset of warm spring days, everyone is in a hurry to put things in order in their territories.
In the village of Nauchny, one of the largest city-forming enterprises the Scientific and Production Center for Grain Farming named after A.I.Barayevwas among the first to organize work on theimprovement of the adjacent territory and the main street of our village, named in honor of the academician, the first director of SPCGF, scientist Barayev Alexander Ivanovich.
All employees of all structural divisions went to the universal republican subbotnik "Birge-taza Kazakhstan" in order to make their worthy contribution to improving the ecological order and cleaning the entrusted territories according to the plan of measures for the improvement of the Center. The production service organized available equipment for the removal of garbage, solid household waste and snow .
We also worked hard on cutting dry branches and whitewashing borders. The planned scope of work was carried out by current workers on the territory of central current warehouse premises, machine operators and drivers on the territory of garages. All participants of the subbotnik received positive emotions from the work done and the general labor enthusiasm.

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