Spring and environmental problems


Breath of poppies, mint, almonds
Spring will fall on you one day.
And all the past until today
It will remain unimportant in your soul.
And the fresh haze of green foliage
Wraps around without falsity
Woke up from the cold of winter
Spring trees, rushing further ...
Spring ... Everything around is waking up, the sky finally acquires the color of azure blue, and the first leaves on the trees are soft green. Now you can not be afraid to open the window and breathe this freshness. And we come to the window in anticipation and anticipation ... Maybe it will be the smell of freshly cut grass or the lilac has already bloomed? No, better let it be bird cherry! You can even close your eyes to make the experience more complete and real.
But ... Outside the window, unfortunately, another picture awaits us. Not flowers and trees that have not even begun to turn green, but mountains of garbage stuck in branches and hiding under the snow. Together with the warm spring breeze, a variety of packages and pieces of paper are happily spread throughout the villages and cities. But let them not please you with their variegation, because this is not a pansy flower winking at you from under the bush! This is garbage that takes years and decades to decompose.
Environmental problems in any country are a very important and painful topic. Indeed, throughout life, a person ruins and mercilessly uses everything that nature has given him. Every year the number of species of animals and plants is decreasing, and this fact already speaks volumes. Yes, the topic is serious and global, you can't tell everything in one small article. Therefore, I would like to dwell on the main thing that each of us can do, personally and personally. The simplest and most effective is waste sorting, of course, while there are no processing plants, someone may say that this is pointless. There is only one thing, life in the village is not the same as in the city - many have stove heating in their houses. The main thing is to bring all the wrappers home, and not leave them outside. There is no stove, it doesn’t matter either, I don’t think that the neighbor will refuse to help you in this case. Of course the smoke from the stove also pollutes the air, but this is the lesser of two evils.
If the principles of waste disposal are not improved and systematized, additional sources of energy are not found in Kazakhstan, it is impossible to talk about further peaceful and healthy life.
Greening is another important step towards environmental education. Man regularly destroys forests, parks and even small green areas, cutting down trees, which are the main supplier of oxygen, for the sake of his whims (for example, for the construction of a new shopping center).
Water pollution is also a problem very close to us. Any garbage dropped by you can end up in a reservoir, and subsequently the world ocean, the pollution of which leads not only to global cataclysms and diseases of people around the planet, but also to a high mortality rate.
No matter how trite it is, we have only one life. We live here and now! It is useless to wait for some responsible and caring person to appear and do everything for us. You need to start small, at least with the absence of debris under our windows. Let the state, at its level, pursue an environmental policy and seek environmental services for all enterprises. And we are in our places, we will try to do everything in our power.
So one day in the spring you will open the window
And you will smell the lilac.
You will breathe deeply, as you waited for a long time
The sound of a cheerful spring drop ...

Bulgakova I.N., senior researcher of the laboratory of microbiology SPCGF
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