SPCGF scientists monitored the state of crops and predicted the yield of grain crops in the Akmola region


In the first decade of August, 2021, the researchers of the A.I.Barayev SPCGF - V. Zabolotskikh, A. Verner and T. Shelayeva monitored the state of crops and predicted estimates of the yield of grain crops in the Shortandinsky, Astrakhan, Egindykolsky, Korgalzhinsky, Tselinogradsky, Arshalynsky and Ereimentau districts of the Akmola region.
The monitoring showed that the varieties of grain crops breeded by the SPCGF are cultivated on more than 90% of the surveyed areas. Most of the crops for the inspection period were in the milky phase - the beginning of wax ripeness. In the Korgalzhinsky and Ereimentau districts, a high percentage of late crops (the first ten days of June) was noted, which have a higher potential for productivity, but it will be possible to start harvesting such fields no earlier than mid-September, which causes certain risks of high losses due to weather conditions and possible early autumn frosts. In general, the crops in the above-mentioned areas have insignificant weediness, chemical protection with selective preparations for vegetation is widely used. Signs of the development of leaf-stem infections in the current year were not observed, or has a weak degree of development, mainly on late crops.
Local precipitation in the current year, and for the most part their absence during the growing season, determined the formation of the crop mainly due to the density of the standing of plants, the size of the ear and the filling of grain, the bushiness of spring wheat was observed mainly in sparse crops. As a result of the monitoring, the yield of grain crops in the surveyed areas is estimated at 7-10 c / ha, taking into account the low level of economic losses. In the current year the direct method of combining will be mainly used.
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