A.I.Barayev SPCGF scientists attended internship


From September 20 to September 24, 2021, researchers of the department of  perennial grasses breeding of A.I. Barayev Scientific-Production Center for Grain Farming attended an internship (advanced training) in the laboratory of ecological and agricultural microbiology of the SPC Microbiology and Virology LLP (Almaty) on the topic: "Research of nitrogen-fixing microorganisms (Rhizobium, Azotobacter) "(Contract No. 53 dated 09 September 2021). within the framework of BP 217 "Development of Science", subprogram 102 "Grant financing of scientific research at the expense of the republican budget" for 2021-2023 for a period of 12 months under the project IRN AR09561833 "Increasing the yield and stress resistance of new promising numbers of Melilotus Adans sweet clover. due to the effectiveness of biological nitrogen fixation for the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan”.
The head of the department of perennial grassesbreeding - Filippova N.I., the head of the laboratory of microbiology - Rukavitsina I.V., junior researcher of the laboratory of microbiology - Tkachenko O.V. noted that such internships are very useful for scientists, where they receive additional professional knowledge and skills, and also have the opportunity to exchange experience with colleagues.
According to the established internship plan, all planned work was completed in full.
Upon completion of the internship, the scientists were issued certificates.
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