
“INTENSIVE FARMING AND AGRICULTURAL PLANTS BREEDING FOR RESISTANCE TO ABIOTIC AND BIOTIC STRESSES” dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the 65th anniversary of the SPC of Grain Farming named after A.I. Barayev

Adopted by the conference participants unanimously on 18.11.2021

The conference was attended by representatives of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, regional and district akimats of Akmola region, the “National Agrarian Scientific and Educational Center” NJSC, “KATU named after S.Seifullin” NJSC Research Institutes of Kazakhstan: “National Center of Biotechnology” RSE KN MES RK, “Kazakh Institute of Agriculture and Plant Growing” LLP, “Kazakh Research Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry named after U.U. Uspanov” LLP, “Kazakh Research Institute of Animal Husbandry and Plant Growing” LLP,“State Commission on variety testing of agricultural crops” RSU of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Of the Russian Federation: “Chelyabinsk Research Institute” FSBSI, “Verkhnevolzhsky FANC” FSBSI; representatives from Germany University named after Leibniz; experimental stations: “Cotton and Melon growing Farming AES” LLP, “Krasnovodopadskaya Agricultural Station” LLP, “Karabalykskaya AES” LLP, “Zarechnoye EPF” LLP, managers and specialists of agricultural formations.
In accordance with the conference program, reports and presentations were heard and discussed at the plenary session, meetings of the scientific section. The conference participants emphasize that in modern socio-economic conditions, the main guidelines for the long-term development of the Republic of Kazakhstan are the rise and development of the national economy based on modern means and methods of production.
The implementation of these tasks is inextricably linked with the development, improvement and implementation of innovative technologies capable of ensuring the competitiveness of agricultural production in volumes sufficient to cover the domestic market and the formation of export resources, in order to occupy leading positions in foreign markets.
During the conference, the following issues were considered: the current state and problems of modernization of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the conditions of transition of the country's economy to an innovative path of development, proposals were formulated on priority areas for improving the effectiveness of the ongoing transformations. The priority areas of research in agricultural science are the issues of adaptation to climate change, because agriculture depends on natural and climatic conditions and directly determines food security, in this regard, it is necessary to intensify research on the possibilities of domestic crop production adaptation to climatic changes, i.e. to change approaches to breeding work. At the same time, emphasis should be placed not only on increasing productivity, but also on the development of varieties stress resistance, the development of sustainable land use technology, mitigation of the negative impact of climate, the development of moisture conservation techniques.
Taking into account the above, in order to intensify activities in the field of human capital development and achieve a new quality of modern agricultural science, the participants of the international scientific and practical conference recommend coordinating actions in the following priority areas:
- to develop effective agrochemical and technological service systems for agricultural producers of various forms of ownership based on automated maintenance and mapping of agricultural land;
- to develop research on the realization of the microbial potential of agrocenoses;
- to develop landscape-differentiated irrigation systems and agrotechnologies for the effective use of reclaimed land; introduction of methods, ways and technologies for information support of management reclamation activities;
- the study and use of the global genetic diversity of agricultural and medicinal plants for the development of high-tech effective technologies in crop production, as well as the conservation and restoration of biodiversity;
- development of a national strategy for the conservation of plant genetic resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as the creation, modification and application of new technologies and methods for storing plant collections;
- to improve existing and create new breeding-genetic, cytogenetic, biochemical, physiological, biochemical, biotechnological and other methods and methods of comprehensive assessment of the source and breeding material of agricultural crops;
- to improve existing and develop new technologies of the breeding process based on inducing adaptively significant genotypic variability and identification of initial genotypes, in order to create varieties and hybrids of agricultural plants that combine consistently high productivity and improved product quality with tolerance and resistance to abiotic and biotic environmental factors;
- to identify and synthesize fundamentally new donors and source genes with increased resistance to bio- and abio-factors, high productivity, product quality and other economically valuable traits;
- to develop effective, environmentally friendly, zonal technologies of primary and industrial seed production, ensuring the yield of high-quality seeds, accelerated development of new varieties and hybrids in production;
- to develop new resource- and energy-saving agricultural technologies for the use of pesticides and biological products for rural producers of various ownership forms in progressive regional systems of integrated plant protection that meet the requirements of economic efficiency, biological, chemical and environmental safety;
- to create new methods of phytosanitary diagnostics and determination of the number of harmful and beneficial organisms, in order to predict and anticipate emergency phytosanitary situations using information, communication technologies and computer programs.
Following the conference results, it is proposed to make the following decisions:
1. To recognize the relevance of the topic stated at the conference and the issues of development of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan considered within the sections;
2. Consider a fruitful exchange of experience in conducting research and practical developments, as well as the implementation of scientific research results presented at the conference;
3. To publish the conference materials in the form of a collection and the conference program on the website of the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev;
4. To express deep appreciation and gratitude to the heads of organizations that have delegated their representatives to participate in the conference.

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