Scientists took part in agricultural meeting of Akmola region

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    Preparation for the harvesting campaign and the main tasks for the development of the agro-industrial complex of Akmola region were considered at the traditional regional agricultural meeting chaired by the akim of the region Ermek Marzhikpayev in the Belagash village of Zhaksy district.


     More than 120 agrarians of the region, as well as representatives of state bodies and employees of research institutions took part in the work of the agricultural meeting. The meeting participants discussed the main issues of organized and high-quality harvesting, as well as topical issues in the field of agriculture and land relations. During the agricultural meeting, Timur Savin, the head of the SPC of Grain Farming named after A. I. Barayev, made a report, which told about the strategy, tactics and organization of harvesting in the conditions of the current year.

    Within the event, an exhibition of breeding achievements of the center was organized, in the field of steady demand for seeds of drought-resistant varieties of cereals, recently the demand for fodder crops and seeds of released varieties of perennial cereals and legumes has increased. 
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