Problems of pre-harvest grain growth in changing climatic conditions

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The weather conditions of the third decade of August and the first decade of September were characterized as rainy. This led to the germination of grain on the root in the ear and in the swaths. The increased humidity level observed during harvesting and germination on the root leads to irreversible biochemical processes in the grain. A sprout and a root appear, and nutrients are exposed to hydrolytic enzymes of the alpha-amylase complex. As a result, the starch was decomposed, partially turning into sugars and releasing moisture.

When grinding a grain that has barely picked up, there is a sharp decrease in the yield of flour, and the physical properties of the resulting dough noticeably deteriorate. Bread made from such flour has distinctive characteristics: it has a reduced volume, dense and sticky crumb, amenable to excessive kneading. The crust acquires a pale appearance with pronounced tears and a noticeable grayish tinge. Slicing such bread becomes a difficult task, and it quickly hardens, which leads to a significant reduction in its shelf life. In addition, the increased fermentation activity gives the bread a malt flavor and sour taste. The feed value of grain as a result of pre-harvest germination decreases insignificantly.

In Northern Kazakhstan, this phenomenon is very rare. The germination of grain on the root leads to a decrease in quality indicators, especially to a decrease in the number of falls. It also leads to a decrease in seed germination. According to literature sources, if 50% of sprouted grains are present in the batch, germination after harvesting will be 89%, after 3 months of storage — 62%, after 9 months — 58%.

In connection with global climate changes, the issue of breeding for resistance to pre-harvest germination of grain in the bud becomes urgent. Adaptation strategies and the breeding of resistant wheat varieties are crucial to ensure the integrity and sustainability of our agricultural practices in the conditions of changing climatic dynamics.
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