Expert: Grain crops in Akmola region are stunted, it is better to use direct harvesting

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Timur Savin, Chairman of the Board of the “SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev”, shared in the comments of the ZM, recommendations on the strategy and tactics of the upcoming harvest-2023 in the Akmola region.
According to the scientist, the onset of the phase of full ripeness of grain is expected at the end of the first decade of August - early September, which determines the approximate timing of the start of harvesting.
- The first for harvesting around the end of the second decade of August will be the grain growers of Zharkain, Tselinograd, Eerementau, Yesil districts.
At the end of the second decade of August, the wheat fields of the first crops of the Korgalzhin, Arshaly, Astrakhan, Egindykol, Atbasar, Zhaksy, Akkol and Shortandy districts will ripen.
And in the Zerenda, Sandyktau, Burabay, Bulandy districts, the start of harvesting is likely to be in mid-August or early September”, the expert says.
According to him, in most farms of the region, wheat and barley crops have a low and low-height stem, which is better to be harvested by direct harvesting. Two-phase harvesting is used on high-stemmed, unevenly maturing crops and with significant clogging, as well as on seed crops. The use of this method makes it possible, starting harvesting 4-5 days earlier, to get dry grain. Mowing begins in the phase of waxy ripeness at a grain moisture content of 36-40%, the cut height is set within – 15-25 cm, so that the formed roll is firmly held on the stubble and well blown.
Earlier it was reported that 50% of the crops are in satisfactory condition. The first mowing in the Atbasar and Tselinograd districts showed low yields. On the eve of the SFW, agrarians recommended not to bet on early sowing, but to follow the recommended deadlines. In general, the year, according to forecasts, was expected to be quite productive, despite the abundance of pests and drought.
The expert recommends that when carrying out autumn tillage for the harvest of 2024, take into account its water-physical condition, following the principle of minimizing (until complete failure) mechanical treatments. But at the same time, “it must be understood that the treatment of over-dried soil will lead to the formation of a strong lumpy soil”.
- In case of September rains, it is necessary to carry out autumn flat-cutting loosening or crevice of the soil by 25-27 cm, where autumn processing has not been carried out for 3-4 years. This method of cultivating the land is mandatory in fields clogged with wormwood, vine milkweed. After the harvest, at the end of August and at the beginning of September, in warm weather conditions, it is necessary to introduce continuous herbicides in heavily clogged fields”, the head of the Center emphasizes.
In the current weather conditions, the strategy of harvesting in the region this year is to provide high-quality crop products with the possibility of entering the foreign market and providing high-quality seeds, for example, as: Shortandinskaya 95 improved and Shortandinskaya 12. These varieties are drought-resistant, characterized by uniform maturation, have ecological plasticity and stable yield.
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