Dialogue between scientists and farmers

Scientific and Production Center of Grain Farming named after A.I. Barayev and “Extension-KATU” the office of dissemination of knowledge held a seminar on November 22 on the topic “Agrotechnical methods of moisture conservation and the use of mineral fertilizers for sustainable grain production” within the framework of the budget program 267 “Increasing the availability of knowledge and scientific research” of subprogram 100 “Information provision of subjects of agro-industrial complex on a non-repayable basis”.
The presentation on the topic “Rational soil tillage systems in grain production technologies of Northern Kazakhstan” was made by the expert Zabolotskikh Vladimir Vladimirovich, PhD in Agricultural Sciences, Head of the Laboratory of Biological Agriculture.
On the features of soil cover as a means of production in agriculture, mineral nutrition of plants in the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan, the method and efficiency of mineral fertilizers and agrochemical parameters of soil fertility presented expert Nazdrachev Yakov Pavlovich, PhD in Agricultural Sciences, head of the laboratory of agrochemistry and fertilizers.
A discussion on the topics of the seminar was held, during which the participants discussed the problems and situation in crop production, formed due to the weather conditions of the current year.
The seminar was attended by 34 representatives of farmers and agricultural enterprises of Akmola, North-Kazakhstan, Karaganda regions.
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