Science in the field next to farmers

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 Solving problems based on real production is the basis of interaction between science and agribusiness. «Novokubanskoye» LLP was and is today one of the leading farms of the Akmola region and the close cooperation of scientists of the Institute and practitioners has been laid down since the first days of the establishment of the VNIIZH and does not cease to the present. On an ongoing basis, within the framework of cooperation and further promotion of scientific recommendations to increase the sustainability of grain production, fruitful meetings of scientists with agrarians of this agricultural formation are held at the site of the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev. At the beginning of the year, within the framework of the program of the center for the dissemination of agricultural knowledge, a practical seminar was held on the topic: «Agrotechnical techniques for increasing the sustainability of grain production». This seminar was attended by specialists of the agronomic and engineering service of «Novokubanskoye» LLP and subsidiaries of this company from the Zerendinsky district. At it, scientists in their presentations highlighted the main factors and opportunities for increasing the productivity of arable land in the conditions of the Shortandinsky and Zerendinsky districts of the Akmola regionIt was noted that the real challenges that have a significant impact on the sustainability of grain production are the manifestation of drought and hot weather events. To mitigate the negative impact of weather conditions and stabilize the production of products, production workers should pay serious attention to the issues of accumulation and preservation of soil moisture. Specific recommendations were recommended for the accumulation of winter moisture under the prevailing conditions of autumn and early winter, taking into account the state of the soil and landscape of the land use area. Much attention was paid to the creation of nutrition conditions for grain crops from the point of view of optimal seed distribution per unit area, row spacing, and the use of mineral fertilizers using modern sowing complexes. It was noted that the basis for the sustainable functioning of soil protection farming systems is the protection of soils from wind and water erosion and also the main factors of repeated erosion processes from year to year. Varieties of spring wheat, different in type of maturation and quality, were recommended. The growing conditions of these varieties were particularly noted and the experience of using various types and forms of mineral fertilizers was also shared.

  During the discussion, the parties came to the conclusion that scientists should pay attention to real production conditions and practice joint work more widely on large production areas. Recently, on May 29, agricultural scientists led by the head of the laboratory of agro–landscape and adaptive technology Akshalov Kanat Ashkeevich held a field seminar with specialists of «Novokubanskoye» LLP on the organization of field work in this farm. Such mutually beneficial events will continue.

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