Tandem of scientists and farmers in the battle for a rich harvest


  In the current 2024, the recommendations of scientists on carrying out spring field work for farms in Akmola region are published on the official website of the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev (www.baraev.kz), also in the same place for the third year there has been an advisory section for farmers «TO THE FARMER», where any farmer can apply with a question of interest to him at any time and get the necessary information. In addition, materials in electronic format with the above-mentioned recommendations of agricultural scientists have been sent to all district departments of agriculture of Akmola region to provide them to local farmers. At the same time, as part of the «EXTENSION» knowledge dissemination program, the Center held a number of workshops offline and online, where farmers had the opportunity to receive consultations from agricultural scientists on issues of interest. According to the schedule, scientists travel to the districts of Akmola region in order to meet with farmers and clarify the existing problematic issues. We all need to remember that in agricultural production everything is interconnected and interdependent, untimely and unfair implementation of only one element of technology or the use of low-quality seed material during sowing can have an irreversible effect and minimize all efforts of agricultural producers trying to grow a high yield. Our common purpose is to get a decent harvest and ensure the country’s food security.

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