Scientists of the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev got acquainted with harvesting works in Kostanay region


  The harvesting campaign in the fields of Northern Kazakhstan takes place in difficult weather conditions. This year, the grain growers have grown a very good crop. First of all, of course, the rainy autumn is of concern, which affects both the ripening of crops and the pace of harvesting. Last week, a group of scientists from the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev, Akshalov K.A., Zhumabek B., Baisholanov S.S. traveled to Kostanay region. They visited the Agricultural Experimental Station Zarechnoye LLP, which is the responsible executor of the State Program in the field of agriculture. During the meeting, the scientists got acquainted with the scientific research of the experimental station, discussed in detail the program and the level of scientific directions. Program Manager Tulaev Yu. has familiarized with the scientific results of the current year. The scientific research of the station is aimed at increasing the sustainable productivity of agricultural crops, primarily oilseeds and legumes. Good work is being done by the scientists of the station with agricultural producers of the region.

  Scientists also got acquainted in this region with the work of «Eurasia Farm Innovatios» LLP, which closely cooperates with the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev. The work of this organization is aimed at clarifying and testing new scientific and technological solutions, new varieties of agricultural crops. This organization actively cooperates with scientists from Canada to test new devices for harvesting flax and lentil crops. The head of the organization is Bisetaev K.S. shared ideas to increase the productivity of arable land in arid conditions, in particular, in Taranovsky, Zhetygarinsky, Denisovsky districts and further strengthen the link between science and production.

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