2024 year’s results: what scientists of the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev worked on

Today, the issues of improving the technology of growing crops are relevant, taking into account modern challenges, natural climate changes, expanding agrotechnical requirements for agricultural working bodies, substantiating and adapting new crops. The research is aimed at developing high-tech, innovative technologies using digital platforms for various soil and climatic zones of the country, using new software documents (GIS technologies, remote sensing data, and other Internet-based things). The farming system developed by scientists of the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev for the arid regions of Kazakhstan fully justifies itself. Today, agricultural producers who successfully master these technologies receive sustainable crops. An example is the farms “Dostyk 06”, “Farmer 2002” in”Astrakhan region, and “Nur Astyk” holding in the Shortandy district. "Ken Dala” LLP, “Rodina” Agrofirm of Tselinograd district, “Sapa Grain” of Korgalzhyn district of Akmola region. Modern farming technologies of Kostanay and North Kazakhstan regions are being successfully mastered. These, above mentioned farms work in close cooperation with the scientists of SPC and have been successfully producing wheat yields of 2.0 t/ha in recent years. In addition, they apply scientific diversification of acreage – it is now a reliable “buffer” against modern challenges.

This year, SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev has successfully reached a new standard in spring wheat breeding. As part of the project to commercialize the results of scientific and (or) scientific and technical activities for 2023-2025, “Providing the Kazakh market with elite seeds of domestic spring wheat varieties”, breeders have carried out work to propagate and improve seed production of the spring soft wheat Taimas variety. This variety, bred earlier, has become a symbol of innovation in breeding and adaptation to the climatic challenges of Kazakhstan. The Taimas variety remains a strategically important element in the work of “SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev” LLP. We continue to work on strengthening the scientific and breeding base in order to offer innovative and high-quality solutions to Kazakhstani farmers in the future.

Since 2024, the 19th Program for the implementation of scientific achievements in production has been implemented, which is aimed at enhancing partnerships between scientists and farmers based on mutual interest in the final results. This year, as part of the targeted project financing, the material and technical equipment has significantly improved: a seeder, two harvesters and other necessary technical equipment have been purchased to enhance the scientific and production potential of the Center.
Chairman of the Management Board of “SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev” LLP, Savin T.V.