Scientists of the Scientific and Production Center of Grain Farming named after A.I. Barayev carry out wheat hybridization


At the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev, breeders carry out a hybridization of wheat in a phytotron greenhouse complex. Indeed, thanks to this basic method of breeding, it is possible to combine all the best qualities of the parent forms in future varieties.

Before that, the scientists carried out the planned number of crosses, manually caring for the plants. The maternal forms were gelding, the ears were isolated, and then pollination was carried out. The modern set up of an artificial climate makes it possible to shorten the breeding process by an average of 3 years. In the spring, work will continue in the field. This work is actively carried out within the Scientific and Technological Project BR24892821 «Breeding and primary seed production of grain crops to increase the potential of productivity, quality and stress resistance in various soil and climatic zones of Kazakhstan».

A senior researcher at the laboratory of spring soft wheat breeding, Shelayeva T. V., introduces our readers to the hybridization process. Tatiana Vasilyevna has been working in this difficult field for more than 30 years, and always talks with great interest about the difficult work of new varieties breeding.She is the author of 20 varieties of wheat.

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