Сonduct a phytopathological analysis of seeds

A group of agrochemical and chemical methods of controlling pests, diseases and weeds of Scientific-production center for grain farming named after A.Barayev conduct a phytopathological analysis of seeds, which allows you to determine the degree of their infection with septoria, fusarium and gelmentosporious root rot.For analysis, 4 seed samples of 100 pieces each, which are taken from an average sample, are used. Seeds are sprouted in Petri dishes and on double strips of filter paper moistened with water until full moisture content.
In these experiments, the effectiveness of protectants is compared with such active substances as triconazole, 80 g / l + pyraclostrobin, 40 g / l; dipheconazole, 92 g / l + lifenoxam,
23 g / l; carboxin 170 g / l + thiram 170 g / l; fludioxonil, 25 g / l.
This analysis allows you to determine which of the protectants has the greatest positive effect on the charge of diseases.скачать dle 12.0
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