Results of the research and technical program for 2024 BR22885719

Name of scientific and technical program:
«Development of sustainable farming system in a changing climate conditions for various soil and climatic zones of Kazakhstan»
Program goal:
“Sustainable agricultural production based on effective use of natural resources, agro-climatic potential, intensification of farming systems, water-saving technologies, means of digitalization for cost-effective, economic development and environmental safety for different soil-climatic zones of Kazakhstan”.
Program objectives
1 - Improving the structure of arable land use based on the effective use of the agroclimatic potential of agricultural landscapes, diversification of crop production, improvement of crop rotations, rational placement of agricultural crops in the agro-ecological zones of the country for profitable production of agricultural products in a changing climate;
2- Improve technological systems for protecting soils from degradation (wind and water erosion, loss of agrobiodiversity, decrease in soil fertility) based on substantiation of critical parameters for the manifestation of erosion processes, the use of space and ground-based sensing, and GIS technologies. Justify and develop technological methods for reclamation, restoration and improvement of degraded soils (rainfed, irrigation);
3-Develop sustainable, low-input, soil-resource-saving systems for growing agricultural crops based on the efficient use of natural resources, improving soil cultivation and seeding systems, diversification of crop production, biological fertilizers, biostimulants for plant growth and development, biological methods of plant protection; highly efficient means of mechanization using digital technologies for various soil and climatic zones of the country;
4- Develop a model of sustainable productive agricultural agrocenoses based on the effective use of agroclimatic resources, the biological potential of plants, new soil cultivation systems, differentiated use of mineral macro- and microfertilizers for crops, integrated systems for protecting plants from pests, diseases and weeds, stimulants for plant growth and development and the use of software products (GIS, remote sensing data and other Internet things) for various soil and climatic zones of the country.
5- Develop recommendations for improving soil health (physical, chemical and biological parameters) based on improved tillage and seeding systems, agrobiodiversity, the use of biologized crop rotations and crop rotations with cover crops based on the principles of biologized and regenerative agriculture and determine their impact on changes in soil carbon, quality of agricultural products and ecosystem conditions;
6- Develop new, water-saving, efficient technologies for growing grains, legumes, oilseeds and industrial crops on irrigated lands to increase the productivity of arable land by 2.5 times using modern irrigation technologies and equipment based on the principles of “smart irrigation”;
7 - Transfer and adaptation of climate-oriented and competitive technological cultivation systems based on managing the growth and development of agricultural crops using digital platforms (monitoring plant growth and development, productivity, differentiated use of nutrition and plant protection products) at the level of agricultural formations and farms in various soil and climatic zones of the country;
As a result of the Program, economically and environmentally reasonable structures for the use of arable land will be developed and recommended based on a rational ratio of grain crops, oilseeds, legumes, and fodder crops in land-use areas for the effective use of the agro-climatic potential of agrolandscapes, and the rational placement of crops in agroecological zones of the country.
-Technological systems for soil protection from degradation will provide for the allocation of zones of manifestation of erosion processes, substantiation of critical soil and climatic parameters of the manifestation of erosion processes based on the use of space and ground-based sensing, GIS technologies. Technological methods of land melioration, restoration and improvement of degraded soils (tillage, agrobiodiversity) will be developed and justified;
- Sustainable, low-cost, soil-resource-saving crop cultivation systems will be based on reducing the cost of growing crops, taking into account the potential of natural resources. Crop cultivation systems will be recommended taking into account the variation of soil differences, the content of nutrients, the differentiated use of mineral and biological fertilizers, biostimulators of plant growth and development, and biological methods of plant protection.; highly efficient means of mechanization using digital technologies for various soil and climatic zones of the country;
- Based on trends and forecast calculations of climate change, soil and climatic differences, agro-climatic resources, and the biological potential of plants, a model of sustainable productive agricultural agrocenoses will be developed. The model provides for the differentiated use of mineral macro- and micro fertilizers, integrated plant protection systems against pests, diseases and weeds, plant growth and development stimulators at an early stage of plant development based on the use of software products (geoinformation systems, remote sensing data and other Internet of things for various soil and climatic zones of the country for transformation and wide distribution on a production scale;
- Soil- and resource-saving agriculture based on changing land use practices, minimizing mechanical soil destruction, permanent soil cover, agrobiodiversity of aboveground and underground biomass of crops, and the use of cover crops based on the principles of biologized and regenerative agriculture will have a positive impact on soil carbon change, soil quality, and ecosystem terms;
- Based on a comparative study of drip irrigation, subsurface irrigation, and sprinkling methods, effective, water-saving irrigation technologies for cereals, legumes, oilseeds, and industrial crops based on the principles of “smart irrigation” will be scientifically substantiated to increase the productivity of arable land by 2.5 times;
- The results of scientific research at the first stage will undergo scientific and production verification and will be adapted at the level of agricultural producers (farms). Climate-oriented and competitive technological cultivation systems based on crop growth and development management using digital platforms (monitoring plant growth and development, yield, differentiated application of nutrition and plant protection products) will be the guiding principles for farms to invest in specific climate-optimized farming methods that ensure a cost-effective ratio of financial costs and profits and risks.
In order to spread knowledge, 15 field seminars, 3 training courses, and 10 “Field Days” will be held in pilot and basic agricultural formations and at the farm level. A demonstration of water-saving crop cultivation technologies will be held for agricultural and water management specialists and farmers of the irrigated zone of the south and south-east of Kazakhstan.
Main results obtained during the implementation of the Program in 2024:
It has been established that climate change affects environmental and production systems, and the sustainability of agricultural production. Research includes control of soil degradation, sustainable intensification of land use practices based on reduction of mechanical treatments of soils, principles of regenerative agriculture, resource-saving nutrition and plant protection regimes based on precision agriculture, targeted use of solid and liquid forms of mineral and biological fertilizers, plant growth and development stimulants, use of cover crops, diversification of crop rotations and agrobiodiversity, new methods irrigation based on the principles of "Smart irrigation".
It has been established that the long-term use of soil -, resourcesaving tillage and seeding systems, agrobiodiversity improve soil quality, reduce the impact of drought and heat, and increase environmental sustainability.
The improvement of the structure of arable land use is aimed at the rational placement of agricultural crops on the land-use territory for the effective use of the agro-climatic potential of agricultural landscapes, the biological potential of plants, the intensification of soil cover crop rotations based on the adaptation of profitable crops in demand on the market. The analysis of long-term climatic indicators shows that the amount of precipitation for the cold period of the year over the past 34 years has a tendency to increase in all 9 regions of Kazakhstan, which implies an increase in spring soil moisture reserves. The amount of precipitation during the growing season over the past 34 years has a tendency to decrease in all 9 oblasts of Kazakhstan, which implies a decrease in the moisture supply of agricultural crops. The sum of effective air temperatures above 5 °C in the summer months over the past 34 years has tended to increase in all 9 regions, which implies an increase in the number of days unfavorably hot for spring crops. The GTC drought index (hydrothermal coefficient) has been decreasing over the past 34 years in all 9 regions of Kazakhstan, that is, the aridity of the growing season is increasing. A stronger decrease is observed in the western and southern regions of Kazakhstan.
Preliminary results show that soil cover crop rotations with a set of cereals, oilseeds, and legumes are economically advantageous in cost-effective terms. The sunflower-wheat-pea-wheat crop rotation provides the highest net income per 1 hectare of crop rotation area - 45000.00 tenge (approximately 90.0 US dollars).
In the zone of ordinary chernozem soils in soil cover crop rotations, spring wheat is cost-effective to grow after lentil culture. The yield of spring wheat after the fallow field and lentils are formed at the same level-27.7 and 26.6 c/ha, respectively, due to soil nutrition of plants. In conditions when the precipitation of the growing season is not limited, it is recommended to pay attention to crops that accumulate nitrogen from the soil and atmosphere and provide plants with soil nutrition next year. In the conditions of the Kostanay oblast/region, lentil culture after a favorable 2023 accumulated soil nitrogen to the level of the summer fallow field and amounted to 8.5 mg/kg of soil after lentils and 9.3 mg/kg of soil after the steam field. The best qualities of spring wheat grains are formed when placed in the crop rotation after the fallow field, after lentils and flax. The gluten content was 27.5, 26.8 and 25.6%, respectively.
The highest yield of lentils is formed at a seeding rate of 1.9 million pieces/ha. The yield of mustard is highest when sown with a seeding rate of 1.7 million pieces/ha. In the conditions of the North Kazakhstan olast/region, oilseeds and legumes form high productivity. These data confirm the prospects of placing these crops in soil cover crop rotations and increasing their area. The highest yield of spring wheat is formed when sowing after the pea crop.
In the absence of methods to protect soils from erosion, intensive, unregulated runoff of meltwater and soil flushing occurs on the slightly sloping lands of the northern oblasts/regions of Kazakhstan. If in 2018 the number of temporary and permanent waterways on the studied area of 2,357 hectares was 81, in 2019 – 122, in 2020 – 81, then in 2024 the number of waterways was 230, with varying lengths, for example, up to 140 m3 or 175 is conditionally washed away from a pilot plot of 266 m2 T. soils, 35 kg of organic matter, 2.6 kg of nitrogen nitrates, 1.2 kg of available phosphorus, 54.2 kg of exchangeable potassium and 0.5 kg of sulfur. In 4 years, the size of the ravine has increased by 145%, and the volume has increased by 4 times or by 363%. The developed digital maps of the manifestation of erosion processes in the territory of land use will allow us to assess their scale and develop anti-erosion measures.
The developed spectral maps will make it possible to establish the relationship between crop productivity and terrain. Spatial heterogeneity in the fields has been established depending on the relief and climate. The developed digital maps of slope steepness, exposure, relief, soil-forming rocks, granulometric composition of soils, maps of soil differences, fertility are the initial information and will allow the development of adaptive landscape technologies for sustainable agricultural production.
In the conditions of the South Kazakhstan oblast/region, during land reclamation using a biomeliorant for basic tillage at a dose of 3.5 tons/ha, the yield of the domestic cotton variety Maktaaral 5027 increases to 31.2 c/ha and exceeds the yield of cotton by 4.6 c/ha compared with traditional cotton cultivation technology and by 2.0-3.0 c/ha according to compared with other methods of land reclamation.
In the conditions of the North Kazakhstan region on chernozem soils, high profitability is provided by soiol cover crop rotations, which is associated with high purchase prices for oilseeds and legumes. The profitability of fruit-bearing crop rotations is 45.0% and higher.
In the conditions of chernozem soils of the Kostanay oblast, the reduction of mechanical tillage in the summer fallow field increases the soil density in the soil layer by 20-30 cm. The density of the soil layer of 0-30 cm is in the range of 1.17-1.19 g/cm3 with a conventional tillage system and 1.30 g/cm3 with chemical soil preparation.
In a humid year, the application of nitrogen fertilizers at a dose of 20 kg / ha of the active substance increases the yield of spring wheat by 6.8-9.4 c /ha, forms high-quality grain.
In conditions of a humid growing season, an effective way to harvest oilseed flax is two-phase cleaning: landfill cleaning with subsequent selection. Desiccation of crops in such conditions is associated with the risk of repeated precipitation and payback of financial costs.
In the conditions of rain-fed agriculture in the South Kazakhstan oblast, direct seeding of winter wheat increases its productivity to 30.5 c/ha. With a conventional/traditional and minimum tillage system, grain yield indicators are at the level of 28.1 and 28.9 c/ha, respectively,
On chernozem soils in the Akmola oblast, the yield potential of spring wheat reaches 50.5 c/ha with high quality under the No-Till system. The yield of spring wheat according to stubble precursors in the soil cover crop rotations is not inferior to the yield of spring wheat in the fallow field and is formed at the level of 47.7-49.9 c/ha.
On the southern carbonate chernozem soils of the Akmola oblast, with the provision of nitrate nitrogen in the soil at the level of 10.0-11.3 mg/kg of soil, the use of mineral fertilizers in the form of ammophos when grown after a fallow field provided an excess yield of triticale culture by 2.5 c/ha, spring wheat by 2.3 and peas by 6.2 c/ha compared to the control without fertilizers.
Carrying out senification during the wax ripeness of the main wheat stalks on 08/16/2024 (the lateral ones were in milk and milk-wax ripeness) with a solution of ammonium nitrate at a dose of 20 kg / ha with a working flow rate of 150 l / ha solution increases the gluten content to 27-28%. In the absence of senification, the gluten content was 23%.
In the conditions of the humid current year, the incidence of grain crops with septoria, helminthosporiosis, cladosporiosis alternariasis, red-brown spotting in all regions of Northern Kazakhstan ranged from 25 to 75%. Legumes and oilseeds were intensively affected by fusarium, ascochitosis, anthracnose, rust, white and gray rot, alternariasis, bacteriosis, verticillose wilt, mottling and other types of phytopathogens. The use of fungicides against diseases increases the efficiency of soil treatment systems to 63.0-86.4%. The use of a complex of drugs pays off with a conventional/traditional tillage system by 0.74-02.1 times, with a minimum by 0.74-2.2 times and with a No-Till system by 0.68-1.9 times.
In the conditions of the Almaty oblast on gray-earth soils with the No-Till system, soil density increases by an average of 0.10-0.13 g/cm3 compared with dump and minimum tillage (1.16-1.19 g/cm3) and increases to 1.21-1.23 g/cm3. The yield of winter wheat on these soils is 3.45 t/ha for dump plowing, 3.96 t/ha for the minimum tillage system and 2.85 t/ha for the No-Till system.
In conditions of chernozem soils, the use of a cereal-oilseed mixture as a cover crop increases the total nitrogen content in the soil compared to other mixtures. The largest number of ammonifying bacteria in the 0-20 cm layer is observed when using a bean-oil mixture (peas + mustard). The number of ammonifiers was maximum and amounted to 10.0 million. CFU/g a.s.p., 9.4 million. CFU/g a.s.p. and 8.6 million. CFU/g a.s.p.
On gray-earth soils of the Almaty region, sowing of soybean, vetch, vico-oat mixture and oats as a blood crop has a positive effect on the accumulation of nitrogen, phosphorus, reduces soil density, increases the content of agronomically valuable aggregates to 62.6-64.2% and the composition of water-bearing aggregates more than 0.25 mm.
In the conditions of the irrigated zone of the Ili Alatau in the Almaty oblast, the most cost–effective irrigation methods are drip irrigation and subsurface drip irrigation, which increase corn yields by 11.4 - 17.8% compared to other irrigation methods.
The results of the first year of research show that a climate-oriented soil -, resourcesaving system of tillage and seedinf based on the effective use of climatic resources, reduced tillage, direct seeding, intensification of plant nutrition, differentiated control of the development of diseases, pests and diseases using aircraft can mitigate the negative effects of climate, increases arable land productivity by 26.8-47.2 %, reduces the cost of a unit of production by 14.3-15.4%, ensures high grain quality.
The research is undergoing scientific and industrial verification and adaptation in real production conditions in experimental, basic farms, specifically in various soil and climatic conditions of Kazakhstan. Scientific and production tests, transfer of adaptation to local soil and climatic conditions on the basis of 20 farms and large agricultural formations of new technologies and cost-effective methods of crop productivity management, new irrigation methods based on the principles of "Smart irrigation" were carried out.
Theoretically, new, initial data patterns in the "climate-soil-plant" environment have been obtained to improve applied science and farming systems.
On a national scale, new strategies and priorities in the rational use of natural and cultural agrocenoses, climate change are the scientific basis for the effective and productive use of natural and climatic potential, preservation of soil health, and control of soil degradation.
The principles of climate-oriented, soil- and resourcesaving cropping systems being developed are the basis for further improvement of sustainable, climate-optimized cropping systems. Priority is given to the development of sustainable, climate-oriented farming systems with low cost of cultivation, the use of information technology elements, modern agricultural machines and instrumentation, and the greening of intensification.
The staff of the research group for scientific research
Full name/ Degree / academic degree, academic rank | identifier of Researcher ID, ORCHID, Scopus Author ID (if available) |
UtelbayevYe. А., PhD Doctor | Author ID: 56597002700 ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6980-7393 |
Akshalov К. А. | ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2586-9944 Scopus ID: 57193330731 |
Tulayev Yuri Valerievich, PhD in Agricultural sciences | Author ID: 57194455612 |
Almanova Zhanna Sarsimbayevna, higher education, PhD Doctor | ORCID ID:0000-0001-9396-9109 |
“KazRIFPG” LLP | |
Kenenbayev Serik Barmenbekovich, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan | ORCID ID:0000-0003-1745-8475 |
Zhapaev Rauan Kaitbekovich, PhD in Agricultural Sciences | ORCID ID: 0000-0003-3951-6779 Author ID: 57215650402 |
Ospanbayev Zhumagali, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor | ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6570-8339 |
“AES of cotton and melon growing” LLP | |
Tagaev Asanbay Mamadalievich, PhD in Agricultural Sciences | ORCID ID:0000-0002-5590-1776 |
“North Kazakhstan AES” LLP | |
Soloviev Oleg Yurievich, candidate for a doctor’s degree | ORCID ID:0000-0002-7341-5851 |
“Kokshetau Experimental Production Farming” | |
Kusainova Madina Yelyukinovna | ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5865-6748 |
“Southwest RIHPG” LLP | |
Sydyk Dosymbek Almakhanbetuly, Doctor of PhD, professor. |
List of published articles and patents in 2024
1. Kiyas A.A. Method of accumulation of nutrients in the soil during crop cultivation in crop rotation – Patent for invention No. 36707 dated 04/19/2024.
2. Tuleeva A.K., Nelis T.B., Davydova V.N., Kochorov A.S. – A method for regulating the number of wheat thrips in spring wheat crops. - Patent for invention No. 36706 dated 04/19/2024
3. Kochorov A.S., Kharitonova A.S., Bazarbaev B.B., Utelbaev E.A. – Method of control rust diseases of lentils - Patent for invention No. 36856 dated 07/19/2024
Articles in domestic publications
1. Kradetskaya O. O. Mamykin, E. V., Dashkevich, S. M., Utebaev, M. U., Chilimova, I. V. The influence of cultivation technologies and fertilizer doses on the grain quality of spring soft wheat in Akmola region //Bulletin of the KazNAIU. “Research and results” are a biological series. – 2024. – Vol. 100. – No. 3. – pp. 127-139.
2. Kulyntai F.K., Shayakhmetov M.R., Akshalov K.A., Karbozov T.E., Zhanzakov B.Zh. Zherdi kashyktyktan zondtau derekteri boynsha akmola oblysyndagi jazdyk bidai dakylynn zhai-kuyine monitoring zhurgizu. //Bulletin of Science of KATSU named after S.Seifullin (interdisciplinary). – Astana. - 2024. - No.2 (121). - B.61-70. / 10.51452/kazatu.2024.2(121).1456
3. Lisenovich A.I., Ten E.A., Zhanzakov B.Zh., Shupanova I.V. Application of methods of remote assessment of collection nurseries, using the example of lentils. Bulletin of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University, 2024, No. 3, pp.19-26
4. B. Zh. Zhanzakov, F.K. Kulyntai, I.V. Shupanova, I.P. Shergina, E.A. Ten. Assessment of the yield of large-seeded lentil samples based on vegetation indices.// Bulletin of Science of KATU named after S. Seifullin(interdisciplinary). – Astana.- 2024. -No. 3.-pp. 25-36
5. Nazarova P.E., Nozdrachev Ya.P., Mamykin E.V. The effect of various doses of ammonium nitrate on yield and protein content in spring triticale grain. //Soil science and agrochemistry. -2024. -No. 2. – pp.39-53
6. Nelis T. B., Davydova V. N., Kochorov A. S., Bazarbaev B. B., Utelbaev E. A., Ismailova A. A., Poghosyan A. The dynamics of the number of cabbage moths in rapeseed crops against the background of the use of insecticides // Bulletin of KazNAIU “Research and results”.- 2024.- No.2(102).- Pp. 248-260,
7. Davydova V.N., Nelis T.B., Kochorov A.S., Bazarbaev B.B., Utelbaev E.A. Reducing the harmfulness of the main phytophages of oilseed flax in Akmola region.// Bulletin of KazNAIU “Research and results”.- 2024.- No.2(102).- Pp. 186-199
8. E.K. Zhusupbekov, S.B. Kenenbaev, B.M. Amangaliev, K.J. Baytarakova, A.M. Sagimbayeva, K.U. Rustemova. The impact of fertilizer tillage on the yield of grain crops and oilseeds in the conditions of rain–fed agriculture in Kazakhstan // Izdenister, natizheler - Studies, results. – 2024. – No.02-1.– pp.264-276. -
9. Kunypiyaeva G.T., Zhapaev R.K., Bastaubaeva Sh.O, Ospanbayev Zh., Sembayeva A.S., Zhusupbekov E.K. Ontustik shygys Kazakstannyn talimi jagdayynda osirylgen dakyldardyn kor saktaushi technoloyasy // Izdenister natizheler.- 2024.- No. 2-1. - pp.206-220.
10. Zhapaev R.K., Kunypiyaeva G.T., Ospanbaev Zh., Sembaeva A.S., Kyrgyzbai K., Kakimzhanov E.H. The impact of tillage methods on the water-physical properties of the soil in the conditions of bogara in the south-east of Kazakhstan // Izdenister natizheler.- 2024. No. 2-1. - pp.220-233.
11. Kunypiyaeva G.T., Zhapaev R.K., Bastaubaeva Sh.O., Ospanbaev Zh., Maibasova A.S., Zhusupbekov E.K. Structural and aggregate composition and water resistance of the soil depending on the methods of tillage in the conditions of the south-east of Kazakhstan // Izdenister natizheler. 2024. No. 2-1. -pp.284-294.
12. Zhapaev R.K., Kunypiyaeva G.T., Ospanbaev Zh., Sembaeva A.S., Kyrgyzbai K., Kakimzhanov E.H. The impact of different methods of tillage on its agrophysical and agrochemical properties of the soil in the conditions of bogara in the south-east of Kazakhstan // Izdenister natizheler. 2024. No. 2-1. -pp.233-248.
13. Akhmetova G. K. Endophytic fungi of the root microbiome isolated from agricultural crops in fruit-bearing crop rotations of Akmola region //Collection of materials of the international scientific and practical conference “Actual problems of microbiology, biotechnology and biodiversity”, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the RKM.- Astana.-2024.- P. 200.
14. Zhapaev R.K., Kunypiyaeva G.T., Ospanbaev Zh.O., Maibasova A.S. Zhazdyk arpa osirudin kor unemdeushi technologiyasi. // Collection of materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture and Crop Production “History and modernity: Agricultural research in the field of agriculture and plant growing”. -Almalybak. - 2024. – P.189-193.
15. Kunypiyaeva G. T., Zhapaev R. K. Ontustik onirge sudan shobi men africa tarysyn osirudin manyzi zor// Collection of materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture and Crop Production “History and modernity: Agricultural research in areas of agriculture and plant growing”. -Almalybak. - 2024. – P.198-203
16. Kunypiyaeva G.T., Zhapaev R.K., Ospanbaev Zh.O., Sembayeva A.S. Resource unemdeu arkily onimdilikti arttyru // Collection of materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture and Crop Production “History and modernity: Agricultural research in the field of agriculture and plant growing”. - Almalybak.-2024. – pp.204-209.
17. Ospanbayev Zh., Sembayeva A.S., Maibasova A.S., Nurgaliev A.K., Abdrazakov E.B. Efficiency of crop cultivation of oilseed flax in the conditions of the south-east of Kazakhstan // Collection of materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Kazakh Scientific Research Institute agriculture and plant growing “History and modernity: Agricultural research in the field of agriculture and plant growing”. – Almalybak, -2024. - pp.210-218.
18. Sembayeva A.S., Omarova A.Sh., Ospanbayev Zh.O., Zhapaev R.K., Kunypiyaeva G.T., Maibasova A.S. Kazakstann ontustik-shygysy zhagdayynda astykka arnalgan jugeri budandaryn osiru technologiyasyn yerekshelikter // Collection of materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference ., dedicated to the 90th anniversary of The founding day of the Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture and Crop Production “History and modernity: Agricultural research in the field of agriculture and plant growing”. – Almalybak.- 2024. – pp.224-230
19. Daurenbek N.M., Tagaev A.M., Mamadzhanov S.P., Kostenkov S.P., Bazarbai Z.The impact of anti-erosion measures on the physical properties of soils. //International Scientific Journal “Endless Light in Science”. - Almaty.- June 7-15, 2024- pp.26-29.
20. Tagaev A.M., Daurenbek N.M., Kostenkov S.P., Makhmadzhanov S.P. Techniques for improving the physical condition of soils. //International Scientific Journal “Endless Light in Science”.- Almaty.- September 5, 2024 – pp. 32-36
Articles in foreign publications
21. Zhanzakov B.Zh., Kulyntai F.K., Skoblikov V.F., Lisenovich A.I., Ten E.A. The use of remote sensing and vegetation indices in agricultural practice and science: a review. //Bulletin of the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy, Gorki. – 2024. - No. 3. – pp. 60-66.
22. Akhmetova A.K., Kiyas A.A. What does agricultural science need today? //Siberian Bulletin of Agricultural Science. - 2024. - Vol. (54) 3. - pp. 79-84
23. Tulkubaeva S.A., Tulaev Yu.V., Somova S.V., Vasin V.G. Production testing of differentiated application of mineral fertilizers in the cultivation of spring wheat // Actual issues of plant growing and forage production: collection of scientific tr. – Kinel: IBTS Samara State Agrarian University. - 2024. – pp.131-139.
24. Zueva N.B., Zhloba L.D., Zhloba G.P., Popolzukhina N.A. The impact of cultivation technologies and mineral fertilizers on the content and quality of humus in southern carbonate soils// Problems of agrochemistry and ecology. – 2024. - No. 1.- pp.21-26.
25. Zueva N.B., Popolzukhina N.A. The influence of cultivation technologies and mineral fertilizers on the content of trace elements in the grain of seeded peas, spring soft wheat and oilseed flax// Proceedings of the XV National Scientific and Practical Conference (with international participation) “Ecological readings – 2024”. – Omsk.- 2024.- pp. 117-122.
26.Baymukanova O.N., Akshalov K.A., Frizen Yu.V. Efficiency of technology of direct sowing of spring wheat in arid conditions // Proceedings of the International scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the formation of the Department of Horticulture, forestry and plant Protection “Siberian horticulture: current state and development prospects”.- Omsk.- 2024.- pp. 187-191.
27. Kharitonov D.S., Kharitonova A.S., Khristich V.V. The impact of sowing dates and seeding rates on the productivity of spring soft wheat of the Shortandinskaya 2014 variety in the conditions of the “Scientific and Production Center of Grain Farming named after A.I. Barayev” LLP in Akmola region// Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to 100th anniversary of the formation of the Department of Horticulture, Forestry and Plant Protection “Siberian horticulture: current state and development prospects”.- Omsk.- 2024.- pp. 325-329.