Scientists of the SPC GF named after A.I.Barayev on an internship at the Omsk ASC
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Within the framework of long-term scientific cooperation, the scientists of the SPC GF named after A.I. BarayevOshergina I.P. and Ten Ye.A. took a refresher course at the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Omsk Agrarian Scientific Center" in the field of breeding and seed production of legumes (peas, lentils) and oilseeds (soybeans) crops.
During the training, an acquaintance was made with the scientific laboratories of the Omsk ASC and their employees, as well as with the specifics of the work of analytical laboratories in which employees carry out research on physiology, biochemistry, genetics, biotechnology, immunity and grain quality in order to gain new knowledge, accelerate the breeding process and create new generation varieties.
During the internship, an exchange of experience was made on the methodology of conducting hybridization for such crops as peas, lentils and soybeans. The chief researcher of the laboratory of breeding of leguminous crops, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor Omelianyuk L. V. introduced the process of hybridization in the Omsk region. Head of the laboratory of leguminous crops breeding, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Assanov A.M. conducted an introductory tour of the field stations of the Omsk ASC. The research topics of the breeding departments include the main issues of creating varieties of selected crops adapted to the harsh conditions of various zones of Western Siberia and adjacent regions of Northern Kazakhstan. Breeding in the Omsk ASC is carried out on 14 crops: winter wheat, rye, triticale, spring soft wheat, spring durum wheat, barley, oats, peas, soy, lentils, alfalfa, awnless brome, potatoes. The seed department produces original seeds (OS-1, OS-2, OS-3), propagates more than 50 varieties together with the departments of steppe and northern agriculture, FSUE “Omsk” and FSUE “Boevoe”. More than 800 tons of original and more than 15,000 tons of seeds of higher reproductions are produced annually.
In the Omsk ASC, the research of the agriculture department is aimed at developing promising areas for the conservation and reproduction of fertility of the main types of soils in the region. Agrotechnologies of grain and fodder crops are being improved on the basis of resource conservation, cultivation of new varieties, the use of effective fertilizer systems, integrated methods of crop protection from weeds, diseases and pests, taking into account environmental restrictions.
At the end of the scientific internship, the staff of the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev took part in the work of the Academic Council, at which Omsk colleagues summed up the results of acceptance and evaluation of field experiments, as well as other tasks in accordance with the thematic plan of research work for 2022. The work of the Scientific Council was attended by the heads of the scientific institution, leading scientific laboratories. Among the honored guests of the Omsk ASC were invited the Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Omsk region N.V. Drofa, the head of the Omsk branch of the Rosselkhoznadzor Center V.V. Moroz, Director of the Center of agrochemical service “Omsk” V.M. Krasnitsky, head of the West Siberian representative office of the company "ShchelkovoAgrochem" A.Y. Kolomeets. The chairmen of the commissions reported on the evaluation of field experiments that were carried out by seed breeding and agrotechnological centers, divisions in Omsk, Tavrichesky, Isilskulsky and Tarsky districts.
At the end of the Academic Council, Oshergina I.P.made a speech of gratitude to the management, as well as the entire staff of the Omsk ASC for the warm and cordial welcome and the knowledge gained. Our scientists Oshergina I.P. and Ten Ye.A. were awarded certificates of internship at the Omsk ASC in the direction of “Leguminous crops breeding”.