Acceptance of production crops of agricultural plants took place at the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev
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In accordance with the order of the Chairman of the Board, Serekpayev N.A., the acceptance of production crops of agricultural plants and their quality assessment took place at the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev in order to summarize the work of production units for the first half of this year. During the acceptance of the commission, important aspects for the selection of agrotechnologies in crop production were shown, as well as the impact of the existing composition and condition of the machine and tractor fleet on the efficiency and competitiveness of the enterprise and the relevance of solving the problem of automated selection of technologies and technical means was also substantiated.
The members of the working commission, which included the heads of scientific departments and laboratories, assessed the progress of the work carried out in accordance with the specifics of the methodology of their execution and the completed experiment cards provided. Positive results were noted at the precision farming landfill, the contamination of crops is not observed, the areas of fields of buckwheat, peas and sunflower have been expanded. As a result, the commission found that the schemes and the progress of the field experiments correspond to the tasks set for the 2022 field season.