Scientists are conducting an inspection of the KASIB nursery

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The SPC GF named after A.I.Barayev takes part in the laying outof the KASIB international nursery, the main objectives of the network are the exchange of source and shuttle material, extensive ecological variety testing, the creation of promising lines and the breeding of new varieties.

03.08.2022, breeder scientist A.I. Morgunov, together with the Director of the Department of Science of the “KATU named after S.Seifullin” NJSC T.V. Savin and Deputy Chairman of the Board for Science of “Karabalykskaya AES” LLP V.A. Chudinov visited field stations of laboratories for breeding spring soft and durum wheat, legumes and perennial grasses and got acquainted with the experience breeders of SPC GF. Morgunov A.I. conducted an inspection of the KASIB nursery, in which varieties from various institutions of Kazakhstan and Russia are currently being studied, following the discussion of the work done, he was given scientific recommendations.

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