Soil health is a topic issue

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On December 7, representatives of Syngenta-Kazakhstan and Syngenta-Russia companies met with scientists of the center at the Scientific and Production Center of Grain Farming. “Syngenta” representatives presented brief information about the company, which pursues a course for long-term development and growth, developing innovative solutions for specific crops and regions, focuses on the development of plant potential, aims to contribute to increasing the production of high-quality food by increasing the yield and quality of crop production while reducing the negative impact on the environment. In this regard, “Syngenta” proposes to develop the project “Healthy Soil”, which provides for reducing the risks of soil degradation and fertility reduction.

Just for this position the company turns to a leading scientific center with a proposal to work together on soil health research and exchange results.

Akshalov K.A., head of laboratory of adaptive and agro-landscape technology, Skoblikov V.F., head of the Laboratory of Precision Farming gave brief information about the promising scientific developments and research of the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev in this direction.

It was noted that the interests of science and practice represented by “Syngenta” generally coincide, which gives certain hopes for fruitful cooperation in the direction of research on soil health.

“Syngenta” employees handed over to the meeting participants one of their publications – “Workbook – Soil Health–2”, which contains and summarizes the basic concepts of healthy soil, provides basic parameters and soil indicators, as well as some techniques for monitoring and managing soil resources.

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