Collaboration to improve agricultural statistics

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    Last week, a meeting was held between scientists of the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev with representatives of the US National Agricultural Statistics Service, who are staying in Kazakhstan as part of international programs. According to American statisticians, the experience of the NASS in the field of agricultural statistics can help other countries improve their agricultural data collection systems. The NASS acts in the interests of US agriculture, and US agriculture is international. Also, the exchange of views on this issue with representatives of other countries allows US to improve the ability of the US Department of Agriculture to assess global production of food and fiber. Within the framework of international programs, the NASS has been providing technical assistance and training to improve agricultural statistics in countries around the world since 1948. In recent years, the US NASS has been collaborating with a number of CIS countries, including Kazakhstan, with great interest. The main purpose of the meeting of American statisticians is to study the experience of interaction of the Kazakh statistical service with farmers and agricultural scientists.
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