A seminar on the topic "Breeding of fodder crops" was held

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  On the professional holiday of representatives of the scientific community – the Day of Science in Kazakhstan, a seminar on the topic "Breeding of fodder crops" was held among scientists of the Faculty of Agronomy of Seifullin University and the Agrobiotechnological Department of the Agrarian and Technological Institute of RUDN.

  Today, the issue of organizing feed production in both countries is acute, since this direction is the basis for the development of animal husbandry, obtaining animal products, and, in principle, is responsible for improving the country's food security. The seminar considered the current problems and prospects of breeding forage crops.

 In accordance with the requests of representatives of production, state programs for the development of the industry, scientists of KazATRU, RUDN, A.I. Baraeva Research and production center for grain farming diligently conduct painstaking breeding work of forage crops, using the latest methods and approaches to obtain the most promising varieties of forage grasses with high yields, with a set of specified quality indicators.

 The presented results of the own achievements of scientists from Kazakhstan and Russia confirm the high level of development of breeding, where when creating varieties of fodder crops, special attention is paid to regional limiting factors – salinity, aridity, lack of heat, etc.

 The audience got acquainted with the reports, and had the opportunity to ask questions to RUDN scientists – Valery Anatolyevich Burlutsky, Ph.D., Murat Sabirovich Gins, D.B.N., corresponding member RAS; Aiman Bokenovna Rysbekova, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor of KazATRU, and Nadezhda Ivanovna Filippova, Head of the Department of Breeding of perennial Grasses of the A. Barayev SPC GF.

 Conducted joint seminars among scientists of KazATRU, RUDN and A. Barayev SPC GF allow you to find answers to questions, points of contact of searches among scientists studying in this direction, and other interested audience.

The material is taken from the websitehttps://kazatu.edu.kz/ru/news/prosel-seminar-na-temu-selekcia-kormovyh-kul-ur

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