Mass media about us: Scientists have entered the field
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The sowing campaign is in full swing in the grain-growing regions of the country. Along with farmers and grain-growers the spring field also invited scientists. So, the team of the Scientific and Production Center of Grain Farming named after Alexander Barayev is experiencing hot days.
The scientists of the Center will have to sow the tested varieties of agricultural crops on their experimental plots. This process has great differences from the picture of actions on ordinary farms. Firstly, the plots are small field plots. Secondly, the seeds are laid after careful reconciliation of row spacing and distances between each seed. Finally, scientists use in their work not huge sowing complexes, but a very compact special small-sized breeding technique. Not so long ago, the author of these lines had a chance to visit the fields of the SPCGF named after Barayev.
Here are the scientific plots of the SPC GF gene pool laboratory. On the arable land, in a straight line and at an equal distance from each other, the laid-out bags of seeds turn white. A compact breeding seeder with two people (except the mechanic) is moving along the plot on the platform in front of the cabin. One of them is holding an oblong box filled with bags of seeds. They are passed to a partner who puts the seeds in a drum that is nearby. Then the seeds are sown into the soil. Laboratory assistants Anzhelika Novikova, Anna Kochergina and Olga Matrosova, who became field specialists for a while, said that each passage of the tractor is a different variety. In the autumn, separate cleaning will be carried out by varieties and crops.
According to the information of the head of the gene pool laboratory, Yuri Dolinny, science conducts its sowing in full accordance with the methodology of field experience, technologies and sowing dates. In general, the efforts of scientists to create new varieties continue and bear fruit. Such varieties as «Astana», «Akmola 2», «Shortandinskaya-95 improved» have proven themselves well in the northern arid regions of the country. For example, «Shortandinskaya-95 improved» is a record–holder — millionth, that is, it is grown on an area of one million or more hectares.
On another experienced plot, Kanat Akshalov, the oldest scientist of the SPC GF, is sowing with his team of young scientists. It is known that he has been working in this team for many years. He is also the head of the laboratory of agricultural landscape and adaptive technology. As you can see, scientists verify literally every centimeter of sowing! For accuracy, wooden slats with markings are used. Moreover, K. Akshalov tirelessly teaches his young colleagues. The team works with a good mood, hoping for good results.
Meanwhile, the SPC GF conducts a full-fledged sowing campaign in its fields, which is about 6 thousand hectares. According to the Deputy Chairman of the Board for the production of Eltay Hamidzhanuly, 4 varieties of hard and 10 soft wheat are sown. The entire grain wedge will occupy 2,328 hectares. In addition, the structure of crops includes barley, oats, buckwheat, as well as fodder crops. The work is organized in two shifts, that is, the hum of machinery over the fields is day and night. By the beginning of this week, about 30% of the arable land was sown. According to E. Khamidzhanuly, there are 2 large sowing complexes, which in general sow about 300 hectares during the day. In addition to this, «heavy artillery» there is also 3 small units. Sowing takes place in the normal mode. In these crucial days, all the forces of the team are mobilized for a hot campaign.
By the way, last year the average grain yield was 16.1 quintals per hectare. This indicator turned out to be much lower for the neighbors. Therefore, taking into account the unfavorable, dry summer, the result of the season can be considered good. The main product that is produced here is original and elite seeds. Last year, more than 2 thousand tons of them were sold to farms in the northern regions of the country.
Last but not least, the results achieved are related to the program of «precision farming» launched several years ago on the farm. It allows you to save spent seeds, fertilizers, herbicides. The implemented system is such that the monitors in the Production Management Center show the movements, location of each piece of equipment in the fields, their costs of seeds, fuel, kilometrage, etc.
The digital system allows the equipment to «see» where mineral fertilizers are lacking on the field and, accordingly, make more «recharge» into these squares. And, conversely, reduce it if the site is already saturated with mineral fertilizers. They have the same sensitivity to weeds. Where there are a lot of them, the equipment will give out herbicides generously. If the field is clean, it will avoid toxic chemicals. Thus, cost savings are made, which translates into millions of tenge. The transition to «precision farming» is recommended by the scientists of the Center to all farmers engaged in agriculture.
According to the information of Timur Savin, Chairman of the Board of the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev, the enterprise remains the largest scientific center of agriculture in our country. The developments and recommendations of his scientists are in demand by the farmers’ community of the country. In addition, the Center has the status of the originator of seeds, that is, he himself creates new varieties and sells them himself. There are varieties of «Astana», «Shortandinskaya-95 improved», «Shortandinskaya -2012», «Shortandinskaya -2014», «Taimas». It is also the main supplier of seed material to the grain-growing Akmola region.
For 87 years of breeding work, 35 varieties of spring wheat have been created in «SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev» LLP. There are 28 of them — soft and 7 — durum crop. According to the data of theagriculture departments of Akmola, North Kazakhstan, Kostanay, Karaganda and Pavlodar regions, in 2022, wheat varieties of SPC GF were sown on an area of 3 million 500 thousand hectares.
This choice of farmers speaks for itself: the work of scientists is in demand, and they are always close to those who grow bread for the country.
Rysbek Zhantekeev
Published in the republican newspaper «Kazakhstanskaya Pravda» on May 30, 2023
The material is taken from the website