Scientific support of wheat varieties is carried out by scientists-breeders of the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev

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 Wheat is a vital crop worldwide, and the evaluation of wheat varieties is necessary to increase agricultural productivity and ensure food security.

  Scientists-breeders of the SPC GF named after A.I. Barayev from July 20 to 22 examined the crops of spring wheat varieties Shortandinskaya 2012, Shortandinskaya 95 improved and Damsinskaya yantarnaya in the seed farm of «Novo-Prirechnoye» LLP of Akmola region. We held consultations with specialists of the farm on the implementation of specific and varietal weeding of wheat crops. Also, they selected plant material for phytopathological analysis in the plant immunity laboratory in order to identify wheat plant diseases.

  Scientific support provided in the form of field observations, consultations of farmers and phytopathological analysis will help interested parties in agriculture to make informed decisions on the choice of wheat varieties and implement effective methods of cultivation.

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