Oniskov Nikolai Tikhonovich

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Oniskov Nikolai Tikhonovich, scientist-agronomist, candidate of agricultural sciences.
N. Oniskov was born on May 7, 1937 in the village of Gornovodsk of Martuksk district, Aktobe region. In 1965-1968 he was a graduate student of the All-Union Scientific-research Institute for grain farming of the Shortandy District, Tselinograd Region. In 1969 he defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of agricultural sciences "Biology of flowering and hybridization of millet in the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan" (Leningrad). In 1968-1971 he worked as a senior researcher in the laboratory of cereal breeding AUSRIGF, Shortandy district, Tselinograd region. In 1971 he worked as the head of the department for the selection of cereals and grain crops of the AUSRIGF. N. Oniskov is the author of seven publications.
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